1-10-2018 Planning Commission Re Organization And Regular Meeting Minutes


The New London Township Planning Reorganization Meeting opened at 7:00 PM. Present were: Ron Ragan, Chairman, Mary Anne Steel, Vice-Chair; Members, Martha Straus, Charlie Humkey, and Lynn Klingensmith. The minutes were recorded by Maureen Zdun.

Mary Anne Steel made a motion to approve the nomination of Ronald Ragan for the office of Chairman, and Charlie Humkey seconded the motion. The nominations were closed and the vote was unanimous.

Vice Chairman
Charlie Humkey made a motion to approve the nomination of Mary Anne Steel for the office of Vice Chairman, and Lynn Klingensmith seconded the motion. The nominations were closed and the vote was unanimous.

Meeting Dates/Times
The 2017 meetings will be held on the second Wednesday and last Thursday (workshop) of each month at 7:00 PM. There will be no workshop meetings in November or December.

Regular Meeting
The Regular Meeting commenced at 7:05 PM.

Public Comment

Ordinance Amendments
Chairman, Ron Ragan advised the Planning Commission that the Board of Supervisors have been invited to the Planning Commission Work Shop Meeting on Thursday, January 26, 2018, to go over all Ordinance Amendments.

Second Dwelling Unit On Individual Property Amendment
Township Consultant, David Sweet, distributed a document regarding this Ordinance dated May 6, 2015. There was some discussion regarding the Second Dwelling Unit Ordinance not being adopted by the Board of Supervisors and to have the Planning Commission take a look at it. It was agreed that Mr. Sweet will forward the latest amendment to the Planning Commission before the next meeting.

RA, R – 1, R – 2 Consolidated Ordinance Amendment
David Sweet distributed the latest draft dated January 9, 2018. There was some discussion regarding the draft.

Old / New Business

New London Township Park
There was some discussion about recruiting volunteers to help clear a path for the proposed walking trails in the Township Park.

The meeting adjourned at 8:45 PM.