12-13-2017 Planning Commission Regular Meeting Minutes


The New London Township Planning Commission Meeting opened at 7:00 PM. Present were: Ron Ragan, Chairman; Mary Anne Steel, Vice Chairman; Members Charlie Humkey and Martha Straus; and Board of Supervisor Chairman, Gerard Porter. Member Lynne Klingensmith was not present. The minutes were recorded by Mary Anne Steel.

Public Comment

Ordinance Amendments
Ron Ragan advised that Township Consultant, David Sweet, was unable to attend the meeting. He will have Ordinance Drafts at January’s meeting to review.

Glidden / Gannon Subdivision
There was no one present representing the Glidden / Gannon Subdivision. There was some discussion about eliminating the existing approved subdivision plan. However, need lot number ten (10) to have frontage and access to Hipkins Road. This would require a new subdivision plan adding the frontage for Lot Number ten (10) on Hipkins Road since a subdivisional street would not exist.

New / Old Business
There was some discussion regarding the Township park and the newly acquired property adjacent to the park and salt shed. Possible uses for the building were discussed.

On a Motion made by Charlie Humkey, and seconded, by Martha Straus, and approved unanimously, the meeting adjourned at 7:35 PM.