The New London Township Board of Supervisors Regular Meeting convened at 7:30 PM at the New London Township Building, New London, PA.  The following Supervisors were present:  Dale Lauver, Robert Barto and Gerard Porter.


No comment on agenda items.


New London Ventures

Jack Wuerstle, representing New London Ventures, stated that the Planning Commission is satisfied with the design features and that the developer has agreed to brick façades on the buildings as requested by the Board.  The Board agreed that New London Ventures should proceed to the Preliminary Plan phase.

Sewer Main Extension, Treatment Plant Construction and Capacity Allocation Agreement & Memorandum of Agreement

Ron Ragan stated that these two documents allow Lake Roeder Hillard & Associates to perform a Feasibility Study for alternatives for the sewer lines.  Ron stated that reclamation sites must be determined by April 16th as per the agreement.  Ron gave an overview of the construction and financing and explained that the Township may take dedication of the plant within a few months of operation.  The plant and conveyance system is financed solely by the developers at a cost of 4.67 million for the plant and 1.8 million for the conveyance system.  The plant will also provide public sewer to the Village District.

Jack Weber asked about the cost of the pumping station serving Thames Road and the Harkins Subdivision.  Ron Ragan stated that this will be addressed in the feasibility study and that system users will share the cost of maintenance for the conveyance system.

John Snyder stated that the Memorandum Agreement will be recorded as opposed to the Sewer Main Extension, Treatment Plant Construction and Capacity Allocation Agreement itself.

On a motion made by Bob Barto, seconded by Gerry Porter, the Board agreed to accept the Sewer Main Extension, Treatment Plan Construction and Capacity Allocation Agreement & Memorandum of Agreement.  The vote was unanimous.

Ordinance No. 2007-04 Realty Transfer Tax

On a motion made by Dale Lauver, seconded by Bob Barto, the Board adopted Ordinance No. 2007-4 Realty Transfer Tax.  The vote was unanimous.


On a motion made by Gerry Porter, seconded by Bob Barto, the February 1, 2007 Board of Supervisors Meeting Minutes were approved.  The vote was unanimous.


On a motion made by Gerry Porter, seconded by Bob Barto, the Bills To Be Paid for March were approved and the financial reports were accepted as presented.  The vote was unanimous.


Planning Commission

Ron Ragan stated that no new subdivision plans were submitted.


Ron Ragan stated that he met with the Roadmaster and road contractors to discuss improvements to Church Road.  Trees to be removed have been marked and will be reviewed.

 Zoning Officer

Six (6) building permits and four (4) Use and Occupancy Permits were issued in February.

Tax Collector

Tax Collector, Joanne Lewis, reported that the Wheatland Farms Subdivision has been broken down into lots.  Tax bills will be mailed this week.

Emergency Management

A meeting was held with Township Supervisors and Township Managers to discuss issues regarding contracting with Verizon for cable services.  The majority the attendees want to fund the AM radio station directly, instead of through franchise fees.  London Grove Township has already signed a contract with Verizon.  AGREM will research the availability of matching fund grants.

A new format for Emergency Operations Plan is being proposed by PEMA but has not been provided to Townships yet.


Gathering information for the newsletter is in progress.

Property & Building Use

The Board agreed that Eagle Scout projects can be utilized to paint rooms upstairs in the Township Building.  Fuel oil bids for next year have been received.  The possibility of installing a sprinkler system in the Township Buildingneeds to be discussed.


Roadwork is in progress.

Road Enhancement Committee

The Road Enhancement Committee feels that ice and snow removal in New London Township was superior compared to other Townships.

Assessment Appeals

No assessment appeals.


No old business.


Dale Lauver reported that four (4) Townships would like the Route 896 Task Force active to remain active.


No public comment.

The meeting adjourned at 8:55 PM.

Respectfully submitted

Trish Fagan