The New London Township Board of Supervisors Meeting convened at 7:30 PM at the New London Township Building, New London, PA. The following Supervisors were present: Dale Lauver, Robert Barto and Gerard Porter.
There was no public comment on agenda items.
Lieutenant Sneed – Avondale Barracks State Police
Station Commander Lieutenant Sneed addressed the Board and spoke about issues regarding the Avondale Barracks State Police. Dale Lauver expressed concern regarding all-terrain vehicle (ATV) enforcement. Lt. Sneed stated that the State Police do not have the use of ATV’s for enforcement. Bob Barto stated that the state budget includes funds to hire more than one-hundred (100) troopers and asked how many of these will be stationed at the Avondale Barracks. Lt. Sneed stated that he does not know how many officers the Avondale Barracks will receive. Lt. Sneed gave an overview of the conditions required for radar use.
Dale stated that a PECO representative will be in attendance at next month’s meeting and will explain PECO’s new power failure notification and response system.
McDowell/Cornerstone Final Subdivision Plan
On a motion made by Bob Barto, seconded by Gerard Porter, the Board agreed to accept the Lake Roeder Hillard & Associates extension letter dated February 22, 2006 for the Cornerstone Final Subdivision Plan. There was no public comment. The vote was unanimous.
King Row Road Covered Bridge
Dale Lauver informed residents that a light will be installed on the King Row Road Covered Bridge. Dale had requested that a light with a historical design be installed but was informed by McCormick Taylor that the county has a standard light that is used.
Kenneth Roark
Kenneth Roark questioned the Board as to how records are retained in the Township office and stated that he believes that records are missing. Mr. Roark stated that he was accompanied by office staff while accessing records but that the masons have access to the records. Michael Bohmier also addressed the board regarding Township records.
On a motion made by Gerry Porter, seconded by Bob Barto, the February 2, 2006 Regular Meeting Minutes were approved. There was no public comment. The vote was unanimous.
On a motion made by Bob Barto, seconded by Gerry Porter, the Bills To Be Paid for March were approved and the financial reports were accepted as presented. There was no public comment. The vote was unanimous.
Planning Commission
Ron Ragan reported that the Planning Commission met with Zoning Officer Trish Fagan to discuss ordinances that need to be amended.
Ron stated that the Stanwell property townhouse sketch plan was presented and that the Planning Commission is working with David Sweet to look at a plan for how the village can be developed.
Engineer Report
Ron Ragan reported that he will contact John Higby to schedule a meeting regarding the Act 537 Plan. Ron stated that PennDOT representative Mike Reber may attend the March 15th meeting to discuss the State Road Bridge. Final releases of the maintenance bonds for the Meadowcroft Knoll, Elk Ridge Farms, London Bridge and London Bridge Extension Subdivisions have been requested. Ron has completed the engineering inspections and has informed the developers as to the items that are outstanding.
Zoning Officer
Zoning Officer, Trish Fagan, reported that ten (10) Building Permits were issued in February, seven (7) of which were for new homes.
Tax Collector
Joanne Lewis stated that she is waiting for the envelopes before she can mail tax bills.
Emergency Management
No report.
Work on the newsletters is in progress and the first draft of the map was returned to Print for correction.
Property & Building Use
Lighting will be completed when weather permits. Dale will schedule a meeting with an architect to look at renovating and possibly adding to the Township Building.
The Board will schedule a date to “ride the roads” with the Roadmaster. General road maintenance and spreading of salt has been completed.
Road Enhancement Committee
No report.
Refuse and Recycling Committee
No report.
Assessment Appeals
Act 209 Committee
No report.
No old business.
No new business.
There was no public comment.
The meeting adjourned at 9:15 PM.
Respectfully submitted,
Trish Fagan