MARCH 2, 2017


The New London Township Board of Supervisors Regular Meeting convened at 7:00 PM at the New London Township Building, New London, PA. The following Supervisors were present: Chairman, Gerard Porter and Vice Chairman, Dale Lauver. Member, Mary Anne Steel was not present.

No public comment on agenda items.


Resolution No. 2017-3-1 Tax Collection Committee Appointments
On a motion made by Dale Lauver, and seconded by Gerry Porter, Resolution No. 2017-3-1 was approved. The vote was unanimous.

Zoning Hearing Board Appointment
Motion was made by Gerry Porter, seconded by Dale Lauver to appoint Winer Emerand as an alternate member of the Zoning Hearing Board. The vote was unanimous.

No Impact Home Occupation Application – Patti L. Crossan
On a motion made by Dale Lauver, and seconded by Gerry Porter, Patti L. Crossan’s No Impact Home Occupation Permit to prepare and package kettle corn was approved. The vote was unanimous.

No Impact Home Occupation Application – Charles D. Bulla IV
Mr. Bulla explained to the Board of Supervisors that he is a broker for major construction equipment loans. On a motion made by Dale Lauver, and seconded by Gerry Porter, Charles D. Bulla’s No Impact Home Occupation Permit was approved. The vote was unanimous.

Pennocks Bridge Road and State Road
Mr. Edwards a Township resident explained that he was in an accident at State Road and Pennocks Bridge Road. He advised the Board of Supervisors that from December 2015 to February 2017 there were ten (10) reportable accidents at the intersection. He suggests a sign stating that there is a stop sign ahead could be installed. There was a suggestion to put rumble strips on the road. Gerry Porter reported that this issue will be addressed when the Board of Supervisors, Road Master, and Township Engineer ride the Township roads to determine the needs on various roads.




Regular Meeting Minutes
On a motion made by Dale Lauver, and seconded by Gerry Porter, the February 2, 2017
Regular Meeting Minutes were approved as presented. The vote was unanimous.

Township Clean Up Day
Ron Ragan from Ragan Engineering Associates reported that his company has paid for the signs and asked if one could be placed on the corner of Lewisville Road and State Road on the New London Presbyterian Church property. The Board of Supervisors gave their approval.


Treasurer Report
On a motion made by Dale Lauver, and seconded by Gerry Porter, the February, 2017 bills were approved for payment and financial reports were accepted as presented. The vote was unanimous.

Planning Commission
Planning Commission Chairman, Ron Ragan, reported that there are no new subdivision plans. Advertisement for the Ordinance Hearing needs to be set for the amendments to the 1.) Official Map, Deleting the Village District Extension, 2.) Changing requirements for 2nd dwellings on a property, deleting RA, and 3.) Implementing a Fee in Lieu for Recreation Facilities. Mr. Ragan also advised that other Amendments are in process.

Ron Ragan reported that the Planning Commission is working on a Final Plan for the New London Township Park. A study for bog turtles will be performed on the property.

Engineering Report
Township Engineer, Ron Ragan, reported to the Board of Supervisors that MS4 work is still in process.

Zoning Officer
Trish Fagan reported that six (6) permits were issued in February. Two (2) Use & Occupancy Certificates both for Single Family Dwellings were issued in February.

Property and Building Use
A motion was made by Dale Lauver, and seconded by Gerry Porter to approve Yard Clipper’s Proposal for grass cutting of the Township Building for 2017.

Emergency Management
No Report.