Planning Commission Regular Meeting December 10, 2014

NLT PLANNING COMMISSION REGULAR MINUTES 12/10/14                                                                                 

The New London Township Planning Regular opened at 7:00 PM.  Present were:  Ronald Ragan, Chair; Mary Anne Steel, Vice-Chair; Members, Charlie Humkey and Martha Straus.  The minutes were recorded by Kim Malone.

 Public Comment


 New/Old Business

James Nichol Final Subdivision Plan

Tom Schreier, Land Planner with Hillcrest Associates was in attendance representing Mr. Nichol.  He gave a brief history of the property and the intent of the subdivision, which is a lot line change to clean up landlocked property and to create two (2) non-building lots.  No new development is proposed, but once New London Township has approved the plan, the Township needs to send a copy of the signed transmittal letter to the Chester County Health Department (“CCHD”) and the DEP needs a completed proposal package including a signed and sealed plan.The property owner is also responsible for sending a signed and recorded plan to CCHD for their records in order for the subdivision proposal to be deemed complete.  There are eight (8) waivers listed on the proposed plan, which are listed in Mr. Ragan’s review letter dated 12/9/14.  Two motions were made:  The first Motion made was with respect to the waivers requested and was approved by Ms. Steel and seconded by Mr. Humkey, with a modification to ̕Section 2-404.F.13 and will require iron pins in lieu of  monuments to mark the proposed property lines. The second Motion was made by Mr. Ragan, seconded by Ms. Straus with conditional approval reflecting the first motion, as well as dating the plan and tweaking the site context map.  Mr. Ragan advised Mr. Schreier to attend the January 5, 2015 Board of Supervisors Meeting with revised sets of plans for approval.

Park Planning

Mr. Ragan reported that he is attempting to prepare a stormwater management plan for the pond (there is an issue with the water feature).  Ms. Straus advised that there have been alterations to the conceptual plan and there was brief discussion.

Other Ordinance Work

Mr. Sweet distributed a list of miscellaneous discussion items and there was brief discussion about 2nd principal dwelling units.  Mr. Sweet also reported that the 2014 DCNR grant was not awarded to New London Township, but the Township was encouraged to try again in Spring, 2015.  The narrative and budget were the main problems with the grant submission.  Mr. Ragan asked Mr. Sweet to find out which municipalities were awarded grant money and to see what information went into those grants and the Planning Commission will discuss at the January work meeting.  With regard to the protected lands map, it was agreed that discussion would be tabled until after the meeting with John Goodall of the Brandywine Conservancy to set up easements, etc.  Mr. Sweet will arrange for Mr. Goodall to attend the 1/21/15 Board of Supervisors Work Meeting.  Mr. Sweet advised that previously there was no discussion of how fee in lieu of open space would be calculated, just that it could be calculated, so he distributed a basis for calculations, and there was brief discussion.


On a motion made by Mr. Humkey and seconded by Ms. Steel and approved unanimously, the meeting adjourned at 8:35 PM.