AUGUST 3, 2017
The New London Township Board of Supervisors Regular Meeting convened at 7:00 PM at the New London Township Building, New London, PA. The following Supervisors were present: Chairman, Gerard Porter; Vice Chairman, Dale Lauver; Member, Mary Anne Steel.
No public comment on agenda items.
Township Road & Tree Bids
There was only one bid for each category. Harlan Construction bid for the road maintenance and the tree work. Costars will be used for road materials. On a Motion made by Mary Anne Steel, seconded by Gerry Porter, the above mentioned bids were awarded. The vote was unanimous.
London Bridge Estates
Township Engineer, Ron Ragan, reported that the President of the Homeowner’s Association contacted him regarding the location and maintenance procedures for storm water basins. Ron asked the Board of Supervisors for approval to work with all of the Homeowner’s Associations on storm water issues to help with the MS4 requirements. The Board of Supervisors was in agreement to have Ron oversee this project.
Hearing for Flood Plain Ordinance
A Motion was made by Mary Anne Steel, seconded by Dale Lauver, to give permission for Sam McMichael, Township Solicitor, to advertise the public hearing to adopt the Floodplain Ordinance. The vote was unanimous.
Regular Meeting Minutes
On a motion made by Dale Lauver, and seconded by Gerry Porter the July 19, 2017 Regular Meeting Minutes were approved as presented. The vote was unanimous.
Treasurer Report
On a motion made by Mary Anne Steel, and seconded by Dale Lauver, the August, 2017 bills were approved for payment and financial reports were accepted as presented. The vote was unanimous.
Planning Commission
Ron Ragan reported that the Planning Commission discussed the Duncan Subdivision Plan. The Planning Commission asked Township Consultant, David Sweet, to review the Accessory Dwelling Ordinance in order to make updates.
Engineering Report
Township Engineer, Ron Ragan, informed the Board of Supervisors the MS4 TMDL Plan has a 30 day public comment period. We are hoping to adopt at the September Regular Meeting. Brian Campbell along with Sam McMichael, Township Solicitor, are working with the DEP to obtain the permit to totally build the sewer plant in Wheatland Farms.
Zoning Officer
Trish Fagan reported that three (3) permits were issued in July. One (1) Use & Occupancy Certificate for a Single Family Dwelling was issued in July.
Road Master
Township Road Master, Jack Arrell, gave an update on road work that has taken place and what is to be done before winter.
New Business
Gerry Porter stated that we need a few alternates for the Zoning Hearing Board.
The meeting adjourned at 8:50 PM.
Respectfully submitted,
Trish Fagan