8-2-2018 Board Of Supervisors Regular Meeting Minutes

AUGUST 2, 2018

The New London Township Board of Supervisors Regular Meeting convened at 7:05 PM at the New London Township Building, New London, PA. The following Supervisors were present: Chairman, Gerard Porter; Vice Chairman, Dale Lauver, and Member Mary Anne Steel.

No public comment on agenda items.


Diane Bowman Subdivision
A Motion was made by Mary Anne Steel, seconded by Dale Lauver, to approve the Diane Bowman Subdivision Plan dated May 23, 2018, latest revised July 31, 2018. The vote was unanimous.

Resolution No. 2018-8-1
Gerry Porter made a Motion, seconded by Mary Anne Steel, to approve Resolution No. 2018-8-1 to request a Multimodal Transportation Fund grant of $110,145.00 from the Commonwealth Financing Authority to be used for signalization of the Newark Road (896) and Oxford Road / Olympia Avenue intersection. Also, to designate Trish Fagan,
Secretary – Treasurer as the official to execute all documents and agreements between the Township and the Commonwealth Financing Authority to facilitate and assist in obtaining the requested grant. The vote was unanimous.

Retention Basins
Township Engineer, Ron Ragan, explained that some subdivisions that are twenty (20) plus years old have under ground piping to the retention basins that were constructed with corrugated metal piping that is starting to fail. Harlan Construction will repair the one on Olympia Avenue and replace the pipe with plastic piping.

There are seventeen (17) subdivisions that have metal piping. Ron suggested videoing these pipes to see what condition the pipes are in. This will be done this summer and fall with prioritizing repair project over the winter. The Township is responsible for what is in the road.

The Board of Supervisors agreed to have the camera work performed on the metal piping.


Regular Meeting Minutes
On a motion made by Dale Lauver, and seconded by Mary Anne Steel, the July 12, 2018 Minutes were approved as presented. The vote was unanimous.

Treasurer Report
On a motion made by Mary Anne Steel, and seconded by Dale Lauver, the August 2018 bills were approved for payment and financial reports were accepted as presented. The vote was unanimous.


Planning Commission
Ron Ragan advised that the Planning Commission will meet with the Board of Supervisors on August 30, 2018 to discuss the new R – 1 District Ordinance.

Engineer Report
MS4’s were discussed.

Zoning Officer
Trish Fagan reported that three (3) permits were issued in July.

One (1) Use and Occupancy was issued.

The meeting adjourned at 9:00 PM.

Respectfully submitted,


Trish Fagan, Secretary