Board Of Supervisors Regular Meeting April 1, 2010


APRIL 1, 2010

The New London Township Board of Supervisors Regular Meeting convened at 7:35 PM at the New London Township Building, New London, PA.  The following Supervisors were present:  Robert Barto and Gerard Porter.   


No public comment on agenda items. 


John Lupfer – Township Auditor

John stated that the Township and Tax Collector’s Audits were performed.  He gave an overview of the financial status of the Township.  Bob Barto asked if the Board of Auditors had any recommendations for the Supervisors.  John requested that the Auditors have the opportunity to complete the audit forms on computer next year.  John also stated the status of Act 32 (County-wide collection of EIT).

Dave Brackin – FEMA Maps

Mr. Brackin stated that he is not making any progress on having the FEMA map corrected that will take his property out of the flood plain.  Mr. Brackin’s house is approximately 9 feet above the 100-year flood elevation.  Ron Ragan, Township Engineer, advised that he will submit the paperwork early next week to get the notice from FEMA to Mr. Brackin so that will remove the requirement to purchase flood insurance.   

Tree Work in Township

Bob Barto addressed a resident’s complaint about tree removal on the rear of the property.  Both Bob & Gerry Porter visited the property and do not feel that the resident’s complaint of decreased privacy on property is valid.  The Board stated that only emergency tree work is to take place until the ride-the-roads on April 13th.  Budgetary concerns are also prompting the decision to cut back on tree work.   

Resolution 2010-4-1

Bob Barto explained the content of the proposed Resolution for New London Ventures (proposed land development at State Road & Route 896.)  Gerry Porter stated that he has concerns due to the fact that wording for the final draft of the Resolution was just received today and that Dale Lauver is not in attendance to review the Resolution.  A Motion was made by Bob Barto for the New London Ventures request for an extension to review their Land Development Plan dated October 17, 2007 until April 21st or the Plan is denied based on the Township Engineer’s list of outstanding items to complete.   The Motion was  seconded by Gerry Porter.  The vote was unanimous among the Supervisors present.


On a motion made by Gerry Porter, seconded by Bob Barto, the March 4, 2010 Regular Meeting Minutes were approved as presented.  The vote was unanimous. 


On a motion made by Gerry Porter, seconded by Bob Barto, the Bills To Be Paid for April were approved and the financial reports were accepted as presented.  The vote was unanimous.


Planning Commission

Ron Ragan was not present but submitted a report which was summarized by Bob Barto.  Comprehensive Plan – work is continuing and should be concluded at the April meeting. Subdivisions/Land Development Plans – no new plans.  The Cook brothers are still waiting to meet with PennDOT, regarding the driveway, etc. for their Land Development Plan. 


Ron believes that the Resolution for New London Ventures should reference Ragan Engineering’s letter dated 1/15/10 rather than the 10/6/09 letter.  Ron also feels that the minutes should be reviewed to verify that the architectural drawings were actually approved by the BOS before adopting a Resolution stating that the drawings were approved. Franklin Chase – the bad pavement has been milled and the new pavement is scheduled to be placed next week. Utility Building – the contractor is waiting for the ground to dry out a little bit more before continuing with site work. West Avondale Road – Chester Water Authority has agreed to do a soft-dig to locate the water main, most likely next week. Conard Mill Road – a two-phased approach is being put together with the Road Master.  Phase 1 will consist of a temporary repair of culverts and Phase 2 will be a replacement.  Trish will check with the Township Solicitor to determine what specific type of closure is appropriate.

Zoning Officer

Trish Fagan reported that five (5) permits were issued in March; One (1) for a single family dwelling.  Six (6) Use & Occupancy Certificate was issued in March, two (2) were for single family dwellings.

Emergency Management

No report.


Information is being gathered.



Assessment Appeals


The meeting adjourned at 9:50 PM.

Respectfully submitted,

Trish Fagan
