Board Of Supervisors Regular Meeting July 1, 2010


JULY 1, 2010

The New London Township Board of Supervisors Regular Meeting convened at 7:30 PM at the New London Township Building, New London, PA.  The following Supervisors were present:  Dale Lauver, Robert Barto and Gerard Porter. 


No public comment on agenda items.  Chairman, Dale Lauver announced he would be changing the Agenda order since Ron Ragan, Township Engineer had to leave the meeting early.


David Brackin

Mr. Brackin was not in attendance.

Ordinances 2010-1-2010-6 

Ordinance 2010-1, Amending the Compilation of Land Use Ordinances of New London Township, with Particular Changes to Chapter 1,  Zoning, Regarding Design Standards for Driveways; Sign Illumination, Construction, Off-Site and On-Site Advertising, Abandonment; Regulation of Construction, Placement of Billboards  Ordinance 2010-2, Amending the Compilation of Land Use Ordinances of New London Township, with Particular Changes to Chapter 1, Zoning, Amending and Identifying the Sections of Chapter 1, Zoning in which Forestry is Permitted as a Right Subject to the Referenced Design Standards Ordinance 2010-3, Amending the Compilation of Land Use Ordinances of New London Township, with Particular Changes to Chapter 2, Subdivision and Land Development, Amending Design Standards for Driveways and Permit RequirementsOrdinance No. 2010-04 Amending the Compilation of Land Use Ordinances of New London Township, with Particular Changes to Chapter 4, Definitions, Adding To, Revising, Enlarging and/or Replacing Definitions Ordinance No. 2010-05, Amending the New London Township Code of Ordinances by Adding to Existing Chapter 5, Water, a New Part 2 Pertaining to the New London Township Storm Sewer System by Establishing Definitions, Regulations and Penalties Prohibiting Discharges of Certain Materials into the Township Storm Sewer System in Order to Bring New London Township into Compliance with the Requirements of the National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) Municipal Separate Storm Sewer System (MS4) Permit Program Ordinance No. 2010-06, Creating Standards for New Driveways and Existing Driveway Improved Subsequently; Including Permit Requirements, Inspections, Standards for Constructions and Stormwater Control, Size, Limitations; Corrections for Improper Work, Hardship Relief; Penalty. On a Motion made by Bob Barto, seconded by Gerry Porter, Ordinances 2010-1 through 2010-6 were adopted.  The vote was unanimous.


Planning Commission

Ron Ragan reported that no new plans have been received.   Ron Ragan also reported the following: Cook Land Development Plan – A meeting is being scheduled with PennDOT. Comprehensive Plan – A public meeting will be held at the end of August. Park Land – there is an opportunity to purchase land – BOS is okay with pursuing grants.


Ron Ragan reported the following: The MS4 year 7 report was submitted June 9, 2010.  Additional engineering work will be necessary in the near future to implement. West Avondale Rd. Bridge – Water pipe is not a conflict with the Bridge work.  Special order culvert will be necessary.  The bid package is about 90% complete. Ron met with Brian Campbell on the Wheatland Farms Subdivision sewer system.  The plant will be downsized.  Spencer Andress of Government Specialists, Inc. requested that the Board make a motion to approve and authorize the Water Quality Management Permit application upon approval from engineers, will be signed by the Chairman and Secretary of the Township.  On a Motion made by Bob Barto, seconded by Gerry Porter, the Water Quality Management Permit application will be approved and authorized once approved by engineers.  The vote was unanimous. Utility Shed – Site work is complete.

Road Bid Results

McMinn’s/Pennsy Supply – AsphaltMartin Limestone – StoneHarlan Construction – Road Work & EquipmentPusey Tree Care – Tree WorkOn a Motion made by Bob Barto, seconded by Gerry Porter, the above vendors are the winning bidders of the 2010 Road Bid.  The vote was unanimous.

Tax Collector

Roxanna Schroll presented financial reports to the Board of Supervisors detailing taxes collected to date, accounts receivable balance and projections to year-end.  Roxanna stated that she now works for an investment firm that finds part of her duties a conflict of interest with regard to compliance of company policy; specifically receiving and processing the actual checks representing payment of residents’ taxes.  Four options were offered to alleviate this problem and the Board is in favor of Roxanna appointing a deputy to be responsible for these duties.  On a Motion made by Dale Lauver, Board Supervisor, seconded by Gerry Porter, approval was given for Roxanna to appoint a deputy.  The vote was unanimous.  All other duties will remain intact and she will remain the Tax Collector for New London Township real estate taxes.

Dedication of Utility Building

Dale suggested that the Township hold a public dedication of the Utility Building.  A date will be chosen for either September 18th or 25th.


On a motion made by Gerry Porter, seconded by Dale Lauver, the June 3, 2010 Meeting Minutes were approved as presented.  The vote was unanimous. 


On a motion made by Gerry Porter, seconded by Bob Barto, the Bills To Be Paid for July were approved, including an additional invoice for $3,070 for Harlan Construction and the financial reports were accepted as presented.  The vote was unanimous.

Zoning Officer

Trish Fagan reported that thirteen (13) permits were issued in June; two (2) were for single family dwellings.  One (1) Use & Occupancy Certificates was issued in June for a single family dwelling. 

Emergency Management

No report.


Information is still being gathered. 

Property & Building Use

Dale reported that mulch will be delivered this month. 

Road Work

Dave Harlan reported that Conard Mill Bridge work is continuing.  A portion of Mt. Hope Rd. widening and paving is starting.


On a motion made by Bob Barto, seconded by Gerry Porter, Resolution No. 2010-7-1 – Opposition to Forced Local Government Mergers and Consolidations, was approved.  The vote was unanimous.

Assessment Appeals


The meeting adjourned at 9:33 PM.

 Respectfully submitted,

Trish Fagan
