Board Of Supervisors Regular Meeting July 2, 2009


JULY 2, 2009

 The New London Township Board of Supervisors meeting convened at 7:35 PM at the New London Township Building, New London, PA.  The following Supervisors were present:  Chairman, Dale Lauver; Vice Chairman, Robert Barto; and Member, Gerard Porter. 


No public comment.

Fred Rodriguez

Mr. Rodriguez presented a letter to the Board of Supervisors stating that they would like to know if the Board would be interested in purchasing the Rodriguez (1.1 acres w/house), Stanwell (9 acres w/house) and Farrell (5 acres w/house) properties. The Board of Supervisors agreed to meet with Ron Ragan, the Township Engineer to discuss options for the properties.  The Board of Supervisors will also explore grants through David Sweet, the New London Planning Commission consultant. 


Road Bids

On a motion made by Dale Lauver, seconded by Gerry Porter, bids were awarded as follows:  McMinn’s Asphalt was approved as the successful blacktop bidder, Pusey Tree Care was approved as the successful tree work bidder and Harlan Construction was approved as the successful road equipment, snow removal and equipment operator bidder.  The vote was unanimous.

Twin Chimneys Preliminary Subdivision Plan

On a motion by Bob Barto, seconded by Gerry Porter, the Twin Chimneys Subdivision Plan dated June 28, 2006 review period was extended until August 6, 2009.  The vote was unanimous.   

Matsen/Megill  Preliminary/Final Subdivision Plan

On a motion by Bob Barto, seconded by Dale Lauver, the Matsen/Megill Subdivision Plan dated November 12, 2007 review period was extended until August 6, 2009.  The vote was unanimous.

Eric Lacter – Great Outdoors, Inc.

Mr. Lacter presented the Board of Supervisors with a proposal for litter removal along Township roads.  There is an option to have sponsors who would pay the fee.  Roads without sponsors would be approximately $140 per segment which would be both sides of a one mile road.  The Board of Supervisors will ask for the Township Solicitor’s input on the proposal.  The Board of Supervisors will identify roads that would benefit from this project.

 Utility Facility Agreement

On a motion by Dale Lauver, seconded by Gerry Porter, the Standard Form of Agreement for the salt/utility building from Godshall Kane Architects was approved, with the exception that the square footage of the building is not exact at this point. The vote was unanimous.   

Resolution No. 2009-7-1, TCC Delegates for Act 323, County-Wide Earned Income Tax Collection

On a motion by Bob Barto, seconded by Gerry Porter, the following individuals were appointed as delegates:  John Lupfer (delegate), Jack Gardner (first alternate) and Trish Fagan (second alternate).  The vote was unanimous.

Craig Lytle – Home Occupation Permit

On a motion by Dale Lauver, seconded by Gerry Porter, the home occupation permit (certified financial planner) application made by Mr. Lytle was approved.  The vote was unanimous.


On a motion made by Gerry Porter, seconded by Bob Barto, the June 4, 2009 and June 23, 2009 Meeting Minutes were approved with the deletion of the first sentence on the June 23, 2009 minutes under Garry George – Vegetable Stand.  The vote was unanimous.


On a motion made by Gerry Porter, seconded by Bob Barto, the Bills To Be Paid for July and Financial Reports were approved.  The vote was unanimous.


Planning Commission

Planning Commission and Engineer’s report was provided in a status report by Ron Ragan.  He was unable to attend the meeting. 

Zoning Officer

Trish Fagan reported that (8) permits were issued in June; Eight (8) Use & Occupancy Certificates was issued in June;  two (2) were for single family dwellings.

Emergency Management

AGREM is not meeting during the summer.  POD drill was held with weaknesses being noted.


No activity.

Property & Building Use

Additional lighting will be added in the back of the building.  Connecting to public water will be explored.


Road contractor, Dave Harlan reported that widening on Mt. Hope Road was completed.  The Oxford Road/Route 896 intersection is almost complete (some minor striping needs to be done).  The next project will be at Route 896/Saginaw Road.

Refuse & Recycling

The Planning Commission is looking at the Ordinance again without the single hauler scenario.

Road Enhancement Committee

No report.




None. The meeting adjourned at 10:10 PM.

Respectfully submitted,   

Trish Fagan
