Board of Supervisors Regular Meeting July 7, 2011



July 7, 2011


The New London Township Board of Supervisors Meeting convened at 7:34 PM at the New London Township Building, New London, PA. The following Supervisors were present: Chairman, Dale Lauver; Vice-Chairman, Robert Barto; Member, Gerard Porter.



No public comment on agenda items.


W. Avondale Road Bridge Bids

Ron Ragan reported that JMC Contractors, Inc. was the low bidder at $244,962.00 for the bridge replacement. All documents are in order. References were checked with all comments being positive. On a Motion by Gerry Porter and seconded by Bob Barto, the W. Avondale Road Bridge project was awarded to JMC Contractors, Inc. The vote was unanimous.


Resolution No. 2011-7-1—Chad Lester Planning Module and Installation & Maintenance Agreement

On a Motion by Gerry Porter, seconded by Bob Barto, Resolution No. 2011-7-1, the Chad Lester Planning Module and the Installation & Maintenance Agreement for Onsite Sewage System for Lot 1 was adopted. The vote was unanimous.


Township Road Bids

Harlan Construction was the only bidder for road equipment w/operator. Pusey Tree Care was the only bidder for tree work. Independence Construction was the lowest bidder for asphalt and aggregate. On a Motion by Bob Barto and seconded by Gerry Porter, the above-mentioned bids were awarded. The vote was unanimous.


St. John Subdivision

The subdivision plan allows the deeds to be split in order to sell the property to different buyers. On a Motion by Gerry Porter and seconded by Bob Barto, the plan was approved conditioned upon the signatures of John David St. John and Kathy St. John being added to the plan. The vote was unanimous.


Historic Resource Proposal

Gerry Porter gave an overview of the proposal submitted by Wise Preservation Planning LLC. On a Motion by Dale Lauver and seconded by Bob Barto, the proposal was accepted. The vote was unanimous.



The Board gave approval to start a newsletter with PRINT..



Resolution No. 2011-7-2, Adoption of the Chester County Multi-Jurisdictional Hazard Mitigation Plan.

On a Motion by Bob Barto and seconded by Gerry Porter, the Plan was adopted. The vote was unanimous.


David and Sharon Cooper-Request to be added to the Agricultural Security Area

On a Motion by Dale Lauver and seconded by Gerry Porter, the Coopers’ request to be added to the Agricultural Security Area was accepted. The vote was unanimous.



On a Motion by Dale Lauver, seconded by Bob Barto, the June 2, 2011 Board of Supervisors Meeting Minutes were approved. Gerry Porter abstained as he was not present at the Meeting. On a Motion by Gerry Porter, seconded by Bob Barto, the May 5, 2011 Board of Supervisors Meeting Minutes were approved. Dale Lauver abstained as he was not present at the Meeting.



On a motion made by Dale Lauver, seconded by Bob Barto, the Bills to Be Paid for July were approved and the financial reports were accepted as presented. The vote was unanimous.



Planning Commission


Ron Ragan reported the following:


The Comprehensive Plan is still in process.


One (1) new minor Subdivision Plan (Nichol) has been submitted.


Sunoco will attend the next PC meeting.


The PC will continue with five (5) members.


Engineer’s Report

Ron Ragan reported the following:


Wheatland Wastewater Treatment Plant is moving along.


Cornerstone Subdivision – they will be dedicating the roads this year.


TMDL’s – Ron needs additional information. Senator Pileggi will be asked to attend the August meeting.



Zoning Officer

Trish Fagan reported that ten (10) permits were issued and two (2) Use & Occupancy Certificates were issued.


Emergency Management

Mike Predmore reported that AGREM is not meeting until September.


Property & Building Use

Dale reported that the boiler will be serviced for winter.



Road contractor, Dave Harlan reported that Saginaw Rd., Oxford Rd. & W. Avondale Rd. shoulder work has been completed.


Old/New Business


UCC & International Property Maintenance Code Appeals Board

On a Motion by Dale Lauver, seconded by Gerry Porter, the following individuals were appointed to the UCC & International Property Maintenance Code Appeals Board: Fred Fieni, John Boyle and Robert Bettin. The compensation will be $35.00 per meeting. The vote was unanimous.


The meeting adjourned at 10:05 PM.


Respectfully submitted,




Trish Fagan
