JUNE 4, 2009
The New London Township Board of Supervisors meeting convened at 7:40 PM at the New London Township Building, New London, PA. The following Supervisors were present: Chairman, Dale Lauver; Vice Chairman, Robert Barto; and Member, Gerard Porter.
PUBLIC COMMENT No public comment.
Damon Kane-Godshall Kane Architects – Salt Shed Presentation Mr. Kane gave an overview of materials and building design that can be utilized for the salt shed. Bob Barto stated that he would like to see some sketches of possible building design. On a Motion by Dale Lauver, seconded by Bob Barto, the vote was unanimous to accept proposal for conceptual design for the salt shed/utility barn, not to exceed $2,000.
Strategic National Stockpile Training (SNS)Avon Grove High School is going to be the test site for this training. The test will take place on June 18th. Volunteers will be needed for the test, but also if a pandemic would occur.
On a motion made by Bob Barto, seconded by Gerry Porter, the April 15, 2009 Regular Meeting Minutes were approved as presented. The vote was unanimous. On a motion made by Bob Barto, seconded by Gerry Porter, the May 7, 2009 Regular Meeting Minutes were approved with a correction to the typographical error for the New London Ventures Extension Request. The vote was unanimous.
On a motion made by Gerry Porter, seconded by Bob Barto, the Bills To Be Paid for June and Financial Reports were approved. The vote was unanimous.
Planning Commission
Ron Ragan reported that no new Subdivision Plans have been submitted. He also advised that some Ordinances are ready to go to the County. Mr. Ragan reported that in connection with the Comprehensive Plan, the questionnaire is on the Township website and in the township newsletter.
Zoning Officer
Trish Fagan reported that (8) permits were issued in May; one (1) was for a single family dwelling. Six (6) Use & Occupancy Certificates was issued in May; two (2) were for single family dwellings.
Emergency Management
Mike Predmore reported that the room upstairs has been painted and electrical work will begin.
The Spring/Summer 2009 Newsletter was sent out on Monday, June 1, 2009.
Property & Building Use
New windows were installed in the office.
The bridge on Pennocks Bridge Rd. has had weight limit lowered. Dave Harlan reported that milling will begin on Monday, June 8, 2009 at the 896/Oxford Rd. intersection. If weather permits, paving will take place on Thursday, June 11, 2009.
Refuse & Recycling
The Planning Commission is looking at the Ordinance again without the single hauler scenario.
Road Enhancement Committee
No report.
Abandoned vehicles property hearing will be held in July.
Garry George spoke to the Board regarding an open air farm stand, “Village Produce” located at 896 and State Road. There will be a port-a-let on site. Property owner will provide additional information. This item will be on the next meeting agenda. The meeting adjourned at 10:15 PM.
Respectfully submitted,
Trish Fagan