Board of Supervisors Regular Meeting March 6, 2014

MARCH 6, 2014

The Board of Supervisors Regular Meeting convened at 7:30 PM. The following Supervisors were present: Chairman, Dale Lauver; Vice-Chairman, Robert Barto; Member, Gerard Porter.

No public comment on agenda items.

Update on Dairy Farm @ 1141 State Road
Ron Ragan met with Chris Strohmaier of the Conservation District and he advised that the Conservation and Nutrient Management Plans both need work. The Conservation District will keep the Township informed of the progress of the Plans.

Update on Aqua America
Ron spoke with an engineer from Aqua America who contacted Charles Penrose from Aqua. Sam McMichael would like to schedule an executive session after the meeting on March 19th at 8:30 to discuss.



Regular Meeting Minutes
On a motion made by Bob Barto, seconded by Gerry Porter, the February 6, 2014 Board of Supervisors Meeting Minutes were approved. The vote was unanimous.


Treasurer Report
On a motion made by Bob Barto, seconded by Gerry Porter, the March, 2014 bills were approved for payment and financial reports were accepted. The vote was unanimous.

Planning Commission
Chairman, Ron Ragan reported that the Brown Partnership Land Development Plan is being revised. Nancy Fromnick, Chester County Recycling Coordinator, attended last month’s Planning Commission Workshop and made suggestions to tweak the ordinance. An aerial map was reviewed looking at the park area. The Planning Commission recommends that Consultant, David Sweet put an adjoining property on our “Official Map”.

Township Engineer, Ron Ragan reported that he attended a CTIP meeting on February 26th. He advised that New London Township needs to make sure the membership to Brandywine Valley Association is renewed in order to get their help on MS4 efforts. About one half of municipalities in the Christina River Basin have received their new NPDES Permits. If we don’t get ours by June, we need to submit our annual report under the old format.

Walnut Glen Road – Survey will be done to work towards improvements to the road.

Bridge Bid – Ron reported that he is working on the bid package. The bid will go out in April.

Zoning Officer
Trish Fagan reported that four (4) permits were issued in February; one for a single family dwelling. Two (2) Use & Occupancy Certificates were issued in February; one for a single family dwelling.

Emergency Management
Dave Flad reported that there is an AGREM meeting on March 19th. The AM radio project is progressing.

Property and Building
There was brief discussion regarding ballfield work.

Jack Arrell and Trish Fagan will attend a meet & greet w/PennDOT at the Penn Twp. Building. Inlet boxes at the bridge at State and Kirk’s Mill have erosion issues.

Jack provided the Board of Supervisors with a report showing the major projects for 2014. Jack suggested that the Board ride with him so he can explain what is written in his report.

The meeting adjourned at 9:45 PM.

Respectfully submitted,

Trish Fagan