Board of Supervisors Regular Meeting May 5, 2011



May 5, 2011


The New London Township Board of Supervisors Meeting convened at 7:30 PM at the New London Township Building, New London, PA. The following Supervisors were present: Vice-Chairman, Robert Barto; Member, Gerard Porter.



No public comment on agenda items.


Comprehensive Plan

Bob Barto state that this is the 2nd public meeting for a presentation of the Comprehensive Plan proposed updates to the plan. He stated that the meetings for the updates were advertised. He thanked the Township Planning Commission and the Comprehensive Plan Task Force for their work. Township Engineer Ron Ragan, Planning Consultant David Sweet and Martha Straus, Landscape Planner gave a Power Point presentation on proposed changes to the Comprehensive Plan.


New London Village-National Historic Register

Bob Wise, Historic Preservation Consultant, explained how he could help the Township with ordinances and working toward New London Village being included on the National Register. He stated that the Township started the work in the early 1980s. Bob Wise will get the paperwork that was previously submitted from Washington, DC to review the comments that were made. Mr. Wise gave the Board a proposal showing different options that the Board could choose from.



The April 7, 2011 Board of Supervisors Meeting Minutes will be approved at the June, 2011 regular meeting.



On a motion made by Gerry Porter, seconded by Bob Barto, the Bills to Be Paid for May were approved and the financial reports were accepted as presented.



Planning Commission

Ron Ragan reported the following:


No new subdivision plans were submitted.


On a motion made by Gerry Porter, seconded by Bob Barto, additional fees for completion of the Comprehensive Plan at meetings when the invoice is received were approved.


Ron also reported that the Township needs to appoint a Planning Commission member due to Peg Healy passing away.


On a motion made by Gerry Porter, seconded by Bob Barto, Martha Straus was appointed to fill Peg Healy’s terms until the end of 2011.


The Yates driveway will need to be moved in order to get the required sight distance.


The bid package for the West Avondale Road Bridge should go out next week or early the following week.


The building of the treatment plant at Wheatland Farms has begun with a completion date of the end of summer.


Cornerstone Subdivision roads may be ready for dedication this year.


Zoning Officer

Trish Fagan reported that nine (9) permits were issued in April; four (4) were for single family dwellings. One (1) Use & Occupancy Certificate was issued in April for a single family dwelling.


Emergency Management

Mike Predmore reported that a Planning for Regional Disaster drill will take place in June. Mike also reported that AGREM was successful in being incorporated.



No activity.


Property & Building Use

No report.


The meeting adjourned at 10:10 PM.

Respectfully submitted,


Trish Fagan
