Planning Commission Meeting April 14, 2011




The New London Township Planning Commission Meeting opened at 7:00PM. Present were:Ronald Ragan, Chair; Mary Anne Steel, Vice-Chair; Members Bob Barto, Charlie Humkey.The minutes were recorded by Kim Malone.


Mr. Barto made a motion to approve the 3/9/11 Minutes and Ms. Steel seconded the motion.The vote was unanimous.

Public Comment


Mark Subdivision

Mr. Ragan reported that Sam McMichael has reviewed the plan and we are awaiting Mr. Mark’s response to Mr. McMichael’s comments.

Cook Brothers Subdivision

Mr. Ragan reported that this subdivision has received conditional approval, but all conditions have not yet been met.

Yates Subdivision

Mr. Ragan reported that there are still issues with the Conservation District and sight distance.

St. John

Mr. Ragan reported that the purpose of this subdivision plan is to subdivide the farm into 2 farms—1 on either side of State Road.There are 3 tax parcels involved, but only 1 deed; must subdivide in order to separate into 2 parcels.There needs to be clarification of the consolidation of parcels.Waivers are being requested from the typical subdivision requirements–similar to the waivers granted in the Lewis Farm Subdivision.

Old/New Business

Mr. Ragan advised that the Planning Commission, Board of Supervisors and Sam McMichael will meet regarding the proposed animal ordinance.


On a motion made by Mr. Barto, seconded by Ms. Steel and approved unanimously, the meeting adjourned at 7:19 p.m.