The New London Township Planning Commission Meeting opened at 7:00 PM. Present were: Ron Ragan, Chairman; Mary Anne Steel, Vice Chairman; and Members Martha Straus and Charlie Humkey, and David Sweet, Consultant. Lynne Klingensmith did not attend. The minutes were recorded by Secretary Maureen Zdun.
No Minutes to approve.
Riparian Buffer Ordinance
John Theilacker of the Brandywine Conservancy addressed the Planning Commission regarding the Riparian Buffer Ordinance. Mr. Theilacker distributed a Draft Amendment to the New London Township Code to improve the Riparian Resource Protection and restoration dated June 8, 2016. He also distributed a map of New London Township showing the Suggested Riparian Buffer Zones. He emphasized that first order streams are most sensitive and require protected buffers. Chairman Ron Ragan advised Mr. Theilacker that the Planning Commission does not want to be exclusive to first water streams. There was some discussion.
Mr. Theilacker then went over the suggested Amendments.
It was agreed the Planning Commission will read over the Amendments and talk about the Amendments at the next Work Shop Meeting.
Dean Dungan – Sketch Plan
Dean Dungan of 5 Paddock Circle addressed the Planning Commission regarding the possibility of subdividing part of his 18 1 / 2 acre parcel to enable his son to build a single family dwelling. The Planning Commission advised Mr. Dungan in order to subdivide the property you are required to have 50 foot road frontage with every lot that you create and as his property is now there is not enough frontage for a second lot. Mr. Ragan advised Mr. Dungan that he would first have to propose creating a public street which would be required to be 100 feet in diameter and have a cul de sac so that emergency vehicles would have enough room to turn around. Mr. Ragan further discussed with Mr. Dungan that he should contact a land surveyor who would show where the road and proposed subdivided lot would be located on the parcel. Martha Strauss recommended that since the original plan was drawn up by Crossan – Raimato that Mr. Dungan should contact them first.
R-1, R-2, and RA Amendment
Consultant David Sweet distributed the latest draft of the New London Township Zoning Ordinance Consolidation of RA, R-1, and R-2 Districts with Related Code Changes dated June 8, 2016. There was some discussion regarding this draft and Mr. Sweet advised the Planning Commission that he should be contacted by Township Solicitor, Sam McMichael, and should have a memo for the Planning Commission by the next meeting.
CFA Grant
David Sweet advised there should be a decision made on the CFA Grant by June 13, 2016.
Other Business
It was agreed that the Planning Commission will hold its Work Meeting, Wednesday, June 22, 2016 instead of Thursday, June 30, 2016.
On a Motion by Martha Straus, seconded, by Charlie Humkey, the meeting was adjourned at 8:48 PM.