9-14-2016 Planning Commission Regular Meeting Minutes



The New London Township Planning Commission Meeting opened at 7:00 PM.   Present were:  Ron Ragan, Chairman; Mary Anne Steel, Vice Chairman; and Members, Charlie Humkey, Martha Straus, and Lynn Klingensmith, Also present was Township Consultant, David Sweet.    The minutes were recorded by Maureen Zdun.

Public Comment

There was no public comment.


Ron Ragan asked the Planning Commission if there were any additions or corrections to the Minutes.  Charlie Humkey made a motion, seconded by Lynn Klingensmith, to approve the August 10, 2016 Minutes.  Martha Straus abstained from voting.

Riparian Buffer Ordinance

Chairman Ron Ragan advised the Planning Commission that we have not heard from the Brandywine Conservancy regarding the Riparian Buffer Ordinance.

India Imperatore Sub Division

Planning Commission Chairman, Ron Ragan and Mary Anne Steel signed the latest version of the India Imperatore Final Minor Subdivision Plan.

Non Residential Open Space / Fee in Lieu

There was some discussion regarding the Chester County Planning Commission’s review of the proposed Amendment.  They recommended the following:  That the Township retain the term “Use” in the Definitions of Part 4, but replace the definition with the citation to “See principal use”.  The New London Township Planning Commission agreed to the following revision:

Use – the specific, primary purpose for which land or a building is designed, arranged, intended or for which it is or may be occupied or maintained.  This definition also applies to the term “Principal Use” where that term is used in this chapter.

Flood Plain Ordinance

Consultant David Sweet advised the Planning Commission that Leslie Rhoads, the DCED’s subcontractor for Flood Plain Ordinance reviews, will start working on the New London Township Flood Plain Ordinance review once she receives the information regarding how restrictive we want to be.  Planning Commission Secretary advised Mr. Sweet that the information was emailed to Leslie Rhoads and that she will forward a copy of that email to Mr. Sweet.

Permitted Uses by Zoning District

David Sweet handed out a document outlining the New London Township Zoning Ordinance Permitted Uses, by Zoning District dated 9/14/2016.  There was some discussion regarding this document.

Old Business / New Business

Vice Chairman, Mary Anne Steel, advised the Planning Commission that the New London Township Board of Supervisors are considering a No Solicitation / No Peddling Ordinance for New London Township.  Township consultant David Sweet will add this to the To Do List.


Meeting adjourned at 8:25 PM.