Planning Commission Meeting January 14, 2009


The meeting of the New London Township Planning Commission opened at 7:35 p.m.Present were:  Ronald Ragan, Chair; Bob Barto, Vice-Chair; Members Eileen Sparling and Margaret Healy. Mr. Ragan brought the meeting to order at 7:35 and opened the floor for Reorganization.  Ms. Healy nominated Ronald Ragan as Chairman and Mr. Barto seconded the motion.  Ms. Sparling nominated Mr. Barto as Vice-Chairman, and Ms. Healy seconded. Mr. Ragan proposed a motion to keep the meeting days and times the same for 2009 (Regular Meeting-2nd Wednesday, Workshop Meeting-last Thursday of each month at 7:30).  Mr. Barto motioned to approve the foregoing days/times and Ms. Healy seconded the Motion.   The vote was unanimous.


Mr. Ragan asked if there were any corrections or additions to minutes for 10/8/08.  There were no corrections or additions and a motion to approve was made by Mr. Barto  and seconded by Ms. Sparling. Ms. Healy abstained from the vote.  The minutes were approved unanimously among the members present. 

Jackle Conditional Use Hearing

Mr. Ragan summarized this matter as follows:  conditional use was granted approximately a year ago for an elder cottage unit; however, due to the structural layout of the garage where the elder cottage is to be located, Mr. Jackle needs to install another door on the garage.  A new hearing is being held to amend the original Decision.  The new door will change the appearance of the garage slightly.  The Planning Commission needs to make a recommendation.  It is the desire of the PC to minimize the impact of the alteration by keeping the door on the back of the garage, if possible.  A motion to approve the recommendation to the Board of Supervisors was made by Ms. Healy and seconded by Ms. Sparling.  Mr. Barto abstained from the vote since he is Vice Chairman of the Board of Supervisors.

New Business


Old Business

Mr. Ragan reported that he will submit the Comprehensive Plan tomorrow.  He advised that he needs volunteers to sit on a committee to pull the whole document together, starting in March/April.   Mr. Ragan also reported that there is a possibility of a new salt shed being built on the Township Building property. 

Public Comments



On a motion made by Ms. Healy and seconded by Ms. Sparling and approved unanimously, the meeting adjourned at 8:02 p.m.