The New London Township Board of Supervisors Regular Meeting convened at 7:30 PM at the New London Township Building, New London, PA. The following Supervisors were present: Vice Chairman, Robert Barto, Member, Gerard Porter.
There were no public comments on the Agenda.
Resolution No. 2007-9-1 Dedication of Paddocks Circle in The Paddocks Subdivision
On a motion made by Gerry Porter, seconded by Bob Barto, the Board adopted Resolution No. 2007-9-1 Dedication of Paddocks Circle in The Paddocks Subdivision. The vote was unanimous amongst supervisors present.
Bob Barto gave a synopsis of the August 2, 2007 Board of Supervisors Meeting Minutes.
On a motion made by Gerry Porter, seconded by Bob Barto, the August 2, 2007 Board of Supervisors Meeting Minutes were approved as presented. The vote was unanimous amongst supervisors present.
On a motion made by Gerry Porter, seconded by Bob Barto, the Bills To Be Paid for September and financial reports as presented were approved. The vote was unanimous.
Planning Commission
The Planning Commission is reviewing two (2) minor subdivision plans along with the Concord Pets Land Development Plan. The Chester County Planning Commission review of the Traditional Neighborhood Design and the Village District Ordinance Amendment has been received. The Planning Commission regular meetings will now begin at 7:30 PM instead of 7:00 PM.
Ron Ragan met with Attorneys for Harkins, New London Ventures, Twin Chimneys and Jim Mark to discuss the possibility of forming a new sewer group. The schematic is being composed and financial negotiations are taking place. Ron also met with Alan Love regarding the Stanwell Tract which is scheduled for conceptual plan approval in October. The Hollow Rock Subdivision and the Havenstone Subdivision are working towards road dedications this year.
Zoning Officer
Zoning Officer, Trish Fagan, stated that thirteen (13) building permits were issued, three (3) of which were for new homes. Six (6) use and occupancy permits were issued.
Tax Collector
Tax Collector Joanne Lewis reported that $170.00 was reimbursed due to successful assessment appeals.
Emergency Management
Mike Predmore stated that AGREM will meet on the fourth Wednesday of every month beginning with this month and that the radio station is one item that will be a priority. The West Grove Fire Company will hold an Open House on October 20th at the New London Fire Station to showcase the new addition to the firehouse.
Property & Building Use
No report.
Church Road did not have the wear coat applied due to unavailability of material.
Road Enhancement Committee
Members of the Road Enhancement Committee met with representatives for Concord Pets to discuss sight distance issues.
Refuse and Recycling
No report.
Assessment Appeals
Twenty-four (24) assessment appeal hearings are scheduled.
Bob Barto presented a draft letter regarding the Meadowcroft Knoll stormwater basin.
No public comment.
The meeting adjourned at 8:15 PM.
Respectfully submitted,
Trish Fagan