6-12-2018 Planning Commission Regular Meeting Minutes


The New London Township Planning Commission Meeting opened at 7:00 PM. Present were: Ron Ragan, Chairman; Members Martha Straus and Charlie Humkey. Members Mary Anne Steel and Lynn Klingensmith were not present. The Minutes were recorded by Martha Straus.

Public Comment

Chris Herrman
Chris Herrman discussed with the Planning Commission his desire to construct a carport in an existing parking area in the southeast corner of his lot at 2 Mary Lane. The members reviewed an earlier subdivision plan. It was determined, because of the unusual location of this property, that if a new structure were to be located in the area desired by Mr. Herrman it would be necessary to clearly designate the front, side, and rear yards of the lot. If the front yard were to be defined as extending from the red roofed front house façade, then a new carport could be considered an accessory structure which could be placed ten (10) from the side property line as per the ordinance.

Mr. Herrman asked for clarification about what the sequence was for proceeding with his plans; he was directed to speak to the New London Township Zoning Officer, Trish Fagan, for final clarification.

RA, R – 1, R – 2 Consolidated Ordinance Amendment
The Planning Commission discussed items in the David Sweet’s “Suggested Changes to May 9 Draft” dated June 2, 2018.

During review of item 6: Intensive Agriculture – it was decided that language be revised / added which would relate to four levels of farming / agriculture:
1. Large animals on a R lot.
2. “Mom and Pop” farm.
3. A farm large enough to require a “manure management Plan”.
4. A farm falling under CAFO requirements.

The keeping of a small number of chickens and the term “animal husbandry” were discussed.

It was also agreed that Mr. Sweet would revise proposed ordinance language to state that a land development plan would not be necessary if a single farm building were proposed on an existing farm or vacant lot. Conversely, a land development plan would be necessary if multiple farm related structures were proposed on an existing farm or vacant parcel. Both options would require adherence to the storm water and any other applicable ordinances.

There was agreement that the Planning Commission should prioritize “wrapping up” the minor outstanding changes to the R 1 Consolidated Ordinance Amendment so that it could be approved; revisions to the agriculture sections could be completed afterwards.

The meeting was adjourned at 8:30 PM.