7-12-2018 Board Of Supervisors Regular Meeting Minutes

JULY 12, 2018

The New London Township Board of Supervisors Regular Meeting convened at 7:03 PM at the New London Township Building, New London, PA. The following Supervisors were present: Chairman, Gerard Porter; Vice Chairman, Dale Lauver, and Member Mary Anne Steel.


No public comment on agenda items.


Katie Bowman West Avondale Road
Township resident, Katie Bowman expressed her concern over speeding on West Avondale Road from Route 896 to State Road. She presented a Petition from residents in the area. Mr. Walls from 5 English Lane also expressed his concern. Gerry Porter explained that the Board of Supervisors will be discussing options for speed control.

Township Road Bid
There was only one bid for the road work. Harlan Construction bid for road maintenance. Costars will be used for road materials. On a Motion made by Dale Lauver, seconded by Mary Anne Steel, the above mentioned bid was awarded. The vote was unanimous.

Brandywine Valley SPCA
On a Motion made by Gerry Porter, seconded by Mary Anne Steel, the five (5) year contract with the SPCA was accepted. The vote was unanimous.

Fire Fighters Tax Relief
Gerry Porter explained that the Township Solicitor, Sam McMichael, is currently preparing an Ordinance. The Board will review as soon as it is ready.

Fireworks Ordinance
The Township Solicitor sent three (3) versions of an Ordinance on fireworks to the Board. The Board will review the three (3) documents.

Diane Bowman Subdivision
Kevin Bowman stated that the Plan that was presented to the Board is incorrect. The Board tabled this item.


Regular Meeting Minutes
On a motion made by Gerry Porter, and seconded by Mary Anne Steel, the June 14, 2018 Minutes were approved as presented. Dale Lauver abstained from voting as he was not present for the meeting.

Treasurer Report
On a motion made by Dale Lauver, and seconded by Mary Anne Steel, the July, 2018 bills were approved for payment and financial reports were accepted as presented. The vote was unanimous.


Planning Commission
Ron Ragan advised that perking has started on the Brown / Matsen property for septic systems.

R – 1 Ordinance is ready to be sent to the County but the Planning Commission will present it to the Board at their work meeting on July 26, 2018.

Engineer Report
MS4 Annual Report has been extended from June to September.

Emergency Management
Title 35 Emergency Management issues is stalled in Committee in Harrisburg.

AGREM worked with OXREM along with Jennersville Hospital and Lincoln University on a drill to keep up to date on emergency practices.

Property and Building Use
The Board agreed to have meeting room work start. The ceiling is just to be scraped and painted.


815 West Avondale Road
Gerry Porter reported that he met with JDog Junk Removal and Hauling for a proposal to remove the debris from 815 West Avondale Road and to demolish the shed on the property. The Board was in agreement to hire JDog to do the work.

Route 896 / Oxford Road / Olympia Avenue Traffic Light
Al Federico gave a proposal to prepare a bid package and coordinate with successful bidder and PennDOT.

350 – Phase 1 – Figure Cost.
3000 – Phase 2 – Bid Package and Coordinate with successful bidder.
2500 – Phase 3 – Coordinate with PennDOT.

A motion was made by Gerry Porter, seconded by Dale Lauver to engage Albert Federico Consulting, LLC to provide engineering, etc. as per his proposal, for the traffic light at Route 896 / Oxford Road / Olympia Avenue. The vote was unanimous.

The meeting adjourned at 9:55 PM.

Respectfully submitted,


Trish Fagan, Secretary