2-7-2019 Board Of Supervisor’s Regular Meeting Minutes

FEBRUARY 7, 2019

The New London Township Board of Supervisors Regular Meeting convened at 7:00 PM at the New London Township Building, New London, PA. The following Supervisors were present: Chairman, Gerard Porter; Vice Chairman, Dale Lauver and Member, Mary Anne Steel.

No public comment on agenda items.


David G. Szymanski Subdivision
Mr. Szymanski stopped in prior to the meeting with a letter for the Board. He was not feeling well so did not stay for the meeting. The letter advises that Mr. Szymanski thought any future purchaser of the property could further subdivide the property, should they choose, and that the note and deed restriction on the original plan only applied to him. Gerry Porter read the letter and stated that it would be sent to the township solicitor for review.

Mr. Szymanski requested that action be taken on the plan within fifteen (15) days, however, the Township has an extension letter in place granting an extension for action on the Plan until March 11, 2019.

A Motion was made by Gerry Porter, seconded by Mary Anne Steel, to reserve action until March 11, 2019. The vote was unanimous.

Jack Arrell – Thunder Hill Road
Road Master, Jack Arrell, spoke about the condition of trees on Thunder Hill Road along the right hand side before entering the London Bridge Farms Subdivision. Jack would like to perform some major tree work in this area. A scope of work will need to be composed if the work is put out to bid. Shoulder work will be performed after the tree work is completed.

Deputy Emergency Management Director
Emergency Management Director, Dave Flad, stated that most Township’s have two (2) people for Emergency Management. Jim McLimans is available to serve as Deputy.

On a Motion made by Gerry Porter, seconded by Dale Lauver, Jim McLimans was appointed as New London Township’s Deputy Emergency Management Director.
The vote was unanimous.

Township Park
Planning Commission member Martha Straus presented the Board with the drawing of the New London Township Park. She walked through the Plan with the Board. The entire project will be bid at one time.

Traffic Light Bid
Gerry Porter read from the bid tabulation and recommendation of award letter from Albert Federico Consulting, LLC.

A Motion was made by Gerry Porter, seconded by Mary Anne, to accept the bid from Wyoming Electric and Signal Inc. in the amount of $160,409.00. The vote was unanimous.


Regular Meeting Minutes
On a motion made by Gerry Porter, and seconded by Dale Lauver, the January 7, 2019 Reorganizational and Regular Meeting Minutes were approved as presented. The vote was unanimous.

Treasurer Report
On a motion made by Gerry Porter, and seconded by Mary Anne Steel, the February, 2019 bills were approved for payment and financial reports were accepted as presented. The vote was unanimous.


Planning Commission
Planning Commission Chairman, Ron Ragan, reported there are two (2) new subdivision Plans that have been submitted. The Bowwood developer attended the Planning Commission meeting with a revised Plan. Ordinance Amendments will be reviewed at the next Planning Commission meeting.

Engineer Report
Township Engineer, Ron Ragan reported that the West Avondale Road Bridge packages have went out. Four (4) packages have been sent to requestors so far. Bids are to be received no later than Friday, February 22, 2019 by 11:00 AM. Bids will be opened by the Township Engineer at the Township office on Friday, February 22, 2019
at 11:00 AM.

Emergency Management
Emergency Management Coordinator, Dave Flad, reported that London Grove Township has decided to withdraw from AGREM. Chuck, Dave and Jeremy met to tour the school along with members of the Fire Company.

Property and Building Use
Gerry Porter reported that the Township sign is now illuminated. The parking lot lights have been relamped with LED bulbs. Electrical work continues at 815 West Avondale Road and 835 West Avondale Road.

Zoning Officer
Trish Fagan reported that sixteen (16) permits were issued in January. No Single Family Dwelling permits were issued.

The meeting adjourned at 9:32 PM.

Respectfully submitted,


Trish Fagan