Planning Commission Meeting September 8, 2010

New London Township

The New London Township Planning Commission Meeting opened at 7:15 PM. Present were: Ronald Ragan, Chair; Mary Anne Steel, Vice Chair; Members Bob Barto, Peg Healy & Charlie Humkey. The minutes were recorded by Kim Malone.


Mr. Ragan asked if there were any corrections or additions to the Minutes for 7/14/10.Ms. Steel noted a minor correction; Ms. Healy made a motion to approve minutes as corrected and Mr. Barto seconded the motion.The 7/14/10 minutes were approved as corrected.

Old Business

Large Animal Ordinance/Chicken Keeping

There was discussion regarding rewriting the Ordinance with respect to the keeping of large and small animals (other than domesticated pets) on less than four (4) acres. There was also talk of confirming exotic animal definitions—Mr. Ragan wants to come up with definitions of exotic animals and come up with exclusion examples. He will ask Mr. Sweet to search regulations. The three (3) categories that were discussed to be included in the new ordinance are 1) pets; 2) domesticated farm animals and 3) exotic animals. Mr. Humkey found a good definition for exotic animals and Mr. Ragan asked him to send it to Mr. Sweet. Mr. Barto also cited the PA Code which he says also gives a good exotic animal definition. He feels that we can come up with a list of animals to include and exclude – the more difficult part would be to establish standards for the keeping of animals. Mr. Ragan pointed out that the sections are fairly generic so they probably can be kept as is with respect to the keeping of animals, so then it will be up to the Zoning Officer to determine what is adequate. Ms. Healy pointed out that the animal owner assumes the risk and liability. Mr. Ragan posed the question whether the only thing the Zoning Officer needs to check is whether the acreage is sufficient. It was agreed that any requests on less than one (1) acre would require a special exception. Mr. Ragan advised he will write up his notes and give to Mr. Sweet (since he was not able to attend this meeting) so that he may start a draft.

Comprehensive Plan

Mr. Ragan distributed slide revisions for the upcoming public meeting and he asked for feedback from the Planning Commission and the handouts were discussed briefly.

Public Comment





New Business




On a motion made by Ms. Steel and seconded by Mr. Ragan and approved unanimously by the members present, the meeting adjourned at 8:20 p.m.