Planning Commission Meeting October 13, 2010

New London Township
October 13, 2010

The New London Township Planning Commission Meeting opened at 7:03 PM. Present were:Ronald Ragan, Chair; Mary Anne Steel, Vice Chair; Members Bob Barto, Peg Healy, Charlie Humkey, Jack Weber and Jim Mark.The minutes were recorded by Kim Malone.


Mr. Ragan asked if there were any corrections or additions to the Minutes for 9/8/10.Ms. Steel made a motion to approve the Minutes and Ms. Healy seconded the motion.The vote was unanimous, except for Jim Mark and Jack Weber, who abstained.

Old Business

Animal Ordinance

David Sweet distributed the Suggested Amendments re:Keeping of Animals.Definitions for Small-Scale Keeping of Livestock, Running-At-Large and Exotic Animal were added to Chapter 4.The existing definition in Chapter 4 of Household Pets was revised.Section 1-1422, Keeping of Large Animals on Residential Lots will be replaced with a new Section. Some revisions to the proposed new Section were discussed, such as under Sections 1-1422.A.3, 4 & 5 to put in specific agencies that would govern health and safety issues. Also, Section 1-1423, Household Pets will be deleted.

Public Comment


New Business



On a motion made by Ms. Steel and seconded by Mr. Ragan and approved unanimously by the members present, the meeting adjourned at 8:00 p.m.