Board Of Supervisors Regular Meeting February 3, 2011



February 3, 2011


The New London Township Board of Supervisors Meeting convened at 7:30 PM at the New London Township Building, New London, PA. The following Supervisors were present: Robert Barto and Gerard Porter.


No public comment on agenda items.

Corporal Campbell-State Police-Avondale Barracks

Corp. Campbell reported that house numbers need to be posted. He also reported that drug use is prompting the majority of burglaries in the Township.

Roxanne Schroll-Tax Collector Report

Roxanne submitted a report to the Board of Supervisors.


Ron Ragan stated that we should attempt to become a member or an associate member of SECCRA. The Board agreed to have the Township Solicitor work on paperwork for New London Township to become an Associate Member

H2O Grant – Resolution No. 2011-02-1

A Resolution for the H20 Grant was presented to the Board of Supervisors by Ron Ragan. Department of Community and Economic Development has grant money available for funding of infrastructure. If approved, the grant money would be used to provide sewer to Route 896 into the Village and also portions of State Road and Saginaw Road (to the Christian Learning Center). On a Motion by Gerry Porter, seconded by Bob Barto, Resolution No. 2011-02-1 was approved.


On a motion made by Bob Barto, seconded by Gerry Porter, the January 3, 2011 Board of Supervisors Meeting Minutes were approved with the addition of the word “Regular” being added to the title.


On a motion made by Gerry Porter, seconded by Bob Barto, the Bills To Be Paid for January were approved and the financial reports were accepted as presented.


Planning Commission

Ron Ragan reported the following:

No new subdivision plans have been received. Cook Brothers plan has been approved with conditions by the Planning Commission.

The Comprehensive Plan work continues.

Candidates to serve on the Planning Commission will be mailed letters for interviews.

Appraisal for the Stanwell Tract will be submitted by Monday. The house is beyond repair and demo will be deducted from the appraisal.


Ron Ragan reported the following:

Wheatland Farms has started site work for the sewer system. They are 90% finished reviewing the shop drawings.

MS4 – the Review letter was received with suggestions for inspections for illicit connections.

The Bid package for the West Avondale Road Bridge is still being reviewed by the Solicitor.

Zoning Officer

Trish Fagan reported that seven (7) permits were issued in January, three (3) of which were for single family dwellings. Two (2) Use & Occupancy Certificates were issued in January.

Emergency Management

No report.


No activity.

Property & Building Use

The Utility Building lights have been damaged due to some of the snow guards failing. The architect will review problem and report back.


Jack Arrell reported on road issues for the Township. He feels that work on the shoulders of roads is imperative to avoid failure of the roads.

Jack would like to have the Township purchase a mobile unit to store barricades and signage to use for emergency road closings.

Bob Barto agreed to discuss the road shoulders and prioritize when the Board and Roadmaster ride the roads in the Spring.

Gerry Porter asked Jack to provide specifications as to what would be needed for the mobile unit.

Road Enhancement Committee

No activity.

Assessment Appeals


The meeting adjourned at 9:18 PM.

Respectfully submitted,

Trish Fagan