Board of Supervisors Regular Meeting March 3, 2011



March 3, 2011


The New London Township Board of Supervisors Meeting convened at 7:30 PM at the New London Township Building, New London, PA. The following Supervisors were present: Chairman, Dale Lauver; Vice-Chairman, Robert Barto; and Member, Gerard Porter.


No public comment on agenda items.

West Grove Ambulance Meeting

Gerry Porter reported that municipal officials met with West Grove officials to discuss funding. The Fire Company is considering issuing 3 to 5 year contracts instead of every year. Ground breaking has taken place for the Substation in London Britain. The basis for Townships funding the ambulance division was discussed. The Fire Co. is considering four options: 1) by use; 2) by population; 3) property assessments; 4) equally among townships. More meetings will be scheduled with the townships and Fire Co./Ambulance Division. A meeting will also be scheduled for just the townships to meet to discuss funding.


Parks and Recreation Grant-Resolution No. 2011-3-1

Ron Ragan reported that the grant was submitted last Friday to purchase property adjacent to the Township Building. The goal is to be able to settle with the property owner by Fall. A Memorandum of Understanding document will be prepared by Sam McMichael. Resolution No. 2011-3-1 is a Resolution that is required to be submitted to Chester County along with the Parks and Recreation Grant. On a Motion by Gerry Porter, seconded by Bob Barto, Resolution No. 2011-03-1 was approved.


On a motion made by Bob Barto, seconded by Gerry Porter, the February 3, 2011 Board of Supervisors Meeting Minutes were approved. Dale Lauver abstained as he was not present for the February 3, 2011 meeting.


On a motion made by Bob Barto, seconded by Gerry Porter, the Bills To Be Paid for March were approved and the financial reports were accepted as presented.


Planning Commission

Ron Ragan reported the following:

The animal ordinance is being reviewed by the Solicitor.

The Comprehensive Plan work is still in process.


Ron Ragan reported that the Yates Subdivision is ongoing. Site lines for the driveway are being reviewed.

Conditional approval was given by the Planning Commission for the Cook Land Development Plan.


Ron Ragan reported the following:

Inspections will take place for outfalls for MS4 compliance.

West Avondale Road Bridge – waiting for Solicitor to complete review of bid document.

Zoning Officer

Trish Fagan reported that five (5) permits were issued in March. One (1) Use & Occupancy Certificate was issued in March.

Emergency Management

Mike Predmore reported that a drill with the School, Hospital, Fire Company and State Police will take place on June 17th at the Avon Grove High School and Jennersville Hospital.


No report.

Property & Building Use

No report.


The Board of Supervisors, Ron Ragan, Jack Arrell & Jack Weber will ride the roads to determine this year’s projects on April 20, 2011.

The meeting adjourned at 9:45 PM.

Respectfully submitted,


Trish Fagan
