The New London Township Planning Commission Meeting opened at 7:05 PM. Present were:Ronald Ragan, Chair; Mary Anne Steel, Vice-Chair; Members Bob Barto and Charlie Humkey.The minutes were recorded by Kim Malone.
Mr. Ragan asked if there were any corrections or additions to the Minutes for 11/10/10.Mr. Barto made a motion to approve the Minutes and Mr. Humkey seconded the motion.The vote was unanimous, except for Ms. Steel, who abstained
Public Comment
Matt Yates – Final Subdivision Plan
Ron Ragan reported that the Yates Final Subdivision Plan was received by the Township.The questions that the Planning Commission had at the 11/10/10 meeting were answered regarding using one common driveway which both lots will share; there will be less of a slope, and a cut-out will be designed for a car to park at the bottom of the driveway.Mr. Ragan advised that the PC can’t take action until clean letters are received from the various agencies involved.
Cook Brothers
Mr. Ragan reported that they are close enough to being complete where the PC can recommend conditional approval; the lighting and landscaping issues have been resolved; they met with the road enhancement committee and stormwater issues have been addressed.
New Business
There was brief discussion regarding free-standing solar panel systems.Mr. Ragan advised that he was approached by a homeowner from the Thunder Hill Subdivision
On a motion made by Mr. Barto and seconded by Mr. Ragan and approved unanimously by the members present, the meeting adjourned at 7:35 p.m.