2-4-2021 Board Of Supervisors Regular Meeting Minutes

                                                                                        NEW LONDON TOWNSHIP BOARD OF SUPERVISORS                                                                                                                                                                                               REGULAR MEETING MINUTES                                                                                                   February 4, 2021


The New London Township Board of Supervisors Regular Meeting convened at 7:00 PM via Zoom video conference.  The following Supervisors were present:  Gerard Porter, Chairman; Dale Lauver, Vice Chairman; and Supervisor, Mary Anne Steel.


There was no public comment on Agenda items.

New London Presbyterian Church Family Promise Program

Bill Hostetter, an elder at the New London Presbyterian Church, addressed the Board of Supervisors about the church’s partnership with the Family Promise Program in which they host homeless families from Chester County.  The family would normally spend a week and then move on to another church.  They are finding that some families do need more time, possibly up to three (3) months at the longest.  They would like to know if the Township would permit them to modify rooms and set up two (2) full bathrooms at the original church on Route 896 which would enable them to host families longer if needed.

Ben Deeterly, pastor at the New London Presbyterian Church, suggested that they could use the original church on Route 896 and remodel some rooms and add some showers.   Ron Ragan advised that the Planning Commission supported the religious use in the zoning ordinance but agreed to look further at the ordinance.  There were some safety concerns that were brought up and discussed.

Gerry Porter told Mr. Hostetter that the Board will need some more information.  He requested that New London Presbyterian Church send the New London Township Board of Supervisors a written request of what they would like to do and to have a representative from Family Promise contact the Township stating what they require from the church.

Straus Associates Proposal

Motion was made by Gerry Porter, seconded by Dale Lauver, to accept the proposal for landscape ordinance consulting from Straus Associates dated January 26, 2021.  The vote was unanimous.

Christina Watersheds Municipal Partnership Charge

There was some discussion about why the invoice increased from $250.00 to $700.00.  Township Engineer, Ron Ragan, said that the organization does help with MS4 progress.  He would like to see the Township continue to participate.

Motion was made by Gerry Porter, seconded by Mary Anne Steel, to pay the Christina Watersheds Municipal Partnership invoice.  The vote was unanimous.


Regular Meeting Minutes

On a motion by Gerry Porter, seconded by Dale Lauver, the January 4, 2021 Reorganization and Regular Meeting Minutes were approved as presented.  The vote was unanimous.

Treasurer’s Report

On a motion by Gerry Porter, seconded by Mary Anne Steel, the February bills were approved for payment and the financial reports were approved as presented.  The vote was unanimous.


Planning Commission

Planning Commission Chairman, Ron Ragan, reported that there are no new subdivision plans.  The Brandywine Conservancy went over the Sustainable Community Assessment results and since it was fairly lengthy they will come back at the next meeting to finish.  Work on the Landscape Ordinance outline will start at the next Planning Commission meeting.

Engineer’s Report

MS4 – Ron will draft a letter to DEP regarding the stormwater problem on Olympia Avenue.

Waste Water Treatment Plant – Ron received an email from Spence Andress with Government Specialists, Inc. with the permit renewal.  It will need to be signed by Dale Lauver and notarized.

New London Township Park – Ron had a discussion with Chip from Cedar Knoll Builders and Brian Campbell has agreed to install a railing and steps on the bridge.

DCNR – Clear to close out grant.

Zoning Report

Zoning Officer, Trish Fagan reported that eight (8) building permits were issued in January.  There were no Use and Occupancy Permits issued.

Emergency Management

Emergency Management Coordinator, Dave Flad, gave an update on Covid 19.  The county is still working on phase 1a of the vaccination.  They are awaiting additional deliveries of the vaccine.

Road Master

Township Road Master, Gerry Porter, reported that the snow removal from the last storm went well.  He received a call about Owenwood Drive only having one lane open but that was due to a car parked on the road.  He stated that there was a complaint of snow blocking a mailbox on Clearview Lane that had already been pushed away when he inspected it.   There was some discussion about bamboo needing to be cut on Joanne Way and Walnut Glen Road since it is very dangerous with the snow.

The large four (4) foot stop signs for the 4 way stop at Pennock Bridge Road and State Road have been ordered and should be in by Monday.  The Township will notify the residents by social media and the Township web site.  The Pennsylvania State Police, West Grove Fire Company, and Medic 94 will also be notified when the signs are installed.

Building and Property

815 West Avondale Road – Gerry met with a carpenter and electrician regarding repairs.  He went over the carpenter’s two (2) options for the door.  He mentioned that there is some park related items in the garage.  It was agreed that Ron Ragan will take inventory to see what we need to keep.

It was agreed to allow the Township Contractor and his co workers to use the Township building for some rest while plowing the roads.

Due to the freezing temperature, it was decided to have Earl Hatton check the Mason’s room upstairs in the Township Building.


Ordinance Amendments

The hearing has been on hold due to the Covid 19 Pandemic.   There was some discussion of having a zoom meeting for the major ordinance changes.  Township Secretary, Trish Fagan, will check with the Township solicitor to see if we can have the zoom meeting and how would we go about restarting the process.

Meeting Agendas

Township resident Dave Schupp suggested to the Board of Supervisors to post the meeting agenda prior to the Board meetings on the Township web site.  Township Secretary, Trish Fagan, advised that we could post the agenda the day before the meeting since we allow additions to the meeting agenda up to that date.

The meeting was adjourned at 8:50 PM.

Respectfully submitted,

Maureen Zdun                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           Assistant Township Secretary