March 4, 2021
The New London Township Board of Supervisors Regular Meeting convened at 7:00 PM via Zoom video conference. The following Supervisors were present: Gerard Porter, Chairman; Dale Lauver, Vice Chairman; and Supervisor, Mary Anne Steel.
There was no public comment on Agenda items.
New London Presbyterian Church Family Promise Program
Bill Hostetter spoke with Township Engineer Ron Ragan regarding the email he received from the New London Township Building Inspector, Kyle Bendler. Ron suggested that he talk to Charlie Shock about asking the state for waivers.
Regular Meeting Minutes
On a motion by Gerry Porter, seconded by Mary Anne Steel, the February 4, 2021 Regular Meeting Minutes were approved as presented. The vote was unanimous.
Treasurer’s Report
On a motion by Gerry Porter, seconded by Mary Anne Steel, the March bills were approved for payment and the financial reports were approved as presented. The vote was unanimous.
Planning Commission
Planning Commission Chairman, Ron Ragan, reported that there are no new subdivision plans. They are still working on the Landscape Ordinance.
Engineer’s Report
MS4 – Ron attended a virtual MS4 Forum. Krista Brown of the DEP addressed Ron’s mapping comments. Ron will work on a mapping report.
New London Township Park – Ron presented a draft copy of the rules and regulations. Ron advised he met with Brian Campbell and Chip of Cedar Knoll about the wet lands bridge and they would prefer to put ramps up at each end of the bridge instead of steps. Ron’s concern with ramps instead of steps is that cyclists could use the ramp and that steps would be a deterrent. It was agreed the steps for now would be sufficient. Ron said we are still waiting on PECO to install the transformer.
Zoning Report
Zoning Officer, Trish Fagan reported that ten (10) building permits were issued in February. There were no Use and Occupancy Permits issued.
Emergency Management
Emergency Management Coordinator, Dave Flad, gave an update on Covid 19. Dave said that over 182,000 people are registered to receive a vaccination. Over fifty (50) percent are in the 1 a group. There is a push to get teachers vaccinated to open schools. The Avon Grove School District is going back one hundred (100) percent in school or one hundred (100) percent virtual. The district will be asking parents to drive kids to and from school. The school will be maintaining a three (3) foot minimum distance. The Health Department plans to open a vaccination clinic in Avondale Borough.
EMA – Annual paper work to do. The Township does not need a new resolution to adopt emergency management. Dave will attend training on March 30, 2021 and the topic is pipe lines.
Road Master
Township Road Master, Gerry Porter, reported that he and Township Contractor, Mike Harlan will get together a list for road repairs and maintenance. The four (4) way stop signs at Pennock Bridge Road and State Road were installed.
Building and Property
815 West Avondale Road – Gerry advised that the carpenter will start the door replacement. The electrician is scheduled on March 25, 2021.
Not sure if the Township building oil tank gauge is working correctly. Dale will check the gauge.
Gerry Porter asked the Township road contractor, Mike Harlan to make a list of repairs needed to be addressed at the Township salt shed.
Chester Water Authority – They were concerned pipe not deep enough. Township Contractor, Dave Harlan will complete the hook up next week. Then Chester Water Authority will open the valve at the meter. Township Engineer, Ron Ragan, said a pressure relief valve may be needed at the Township building, salt shed, and water fountain in park. It was agreed to check the water pressure at these points before installing a pressure relief valve.
The meeting was adjourned at 8:50 PM.
Respectfully submitted,
Maureen Zdun
Assistant Township Secretary