The New London Township Planning Regular opened at 7:05 PM. Present were: Ronald Ragan, Chair; Mary Anne Steel, Vice-Chair; Members; Bob Barto, Martha Straus and Charlie Humkey. The minutes were recorded by Kim Malone.
Mr. Ragan asked if there were any corrections or additions to the Minutes for 1/8/14. Ms. Steel made a motion to approve the Minutes as written and Ms. Straus seconded the motion. Mr. Barto abstained as he was absent from the 1/8/14 meeting. The vote was unanimous.
Public Comment
Old Business
Wind & Solar
Mr. Ragan reported that he got copies of the corrected ordinances from Sam McMichael’s office.
Park Planning
Ms. Straus presented a map and said she believes by next month, she will have a base map. She advised that she would take the base map and come to the Planning Commission with a circulation map and the members could make suggestions as to positioning/possible relocation of basketball courts and tot lot. Also briefly discussed was vehicular circulation from an emergency standpoint, and the possibility of approaching neighbors for an easement to get a trail out to 896. Mr. Barto asked if consideration is being given for future possible purchase by the Township, and there was some discussion as to possible connection to the Fire Company property if property was to become available. There was also discussion regarding a pavilion as a place for community events and possible tie-in to Fire Company for their events. Mr. Ragan suggested we inquire with the Health Dept. about bathrooms vs. porta potties.
New Business
Brown Partnership
Mr. Ragan reported that the Brown Partnership submitted a plan to build a new dairy operation and briefly discussed how he reviewed the plans and went back to Mr. Brown to request changes and is now presenting the revised plans to the Planning Commission. There was discussion about fencing since the farm backs to a tributary. Mr. Ragan advised that we can ask them to do a conservation plan since there is a concern about protecting the waterways. Mr. Brown will come to the 3/12 meeting for review.
Wheatland Farms Subdivision
There was discussion now that the roads are done in the final phase regarding names of roads in the Wheatland Farms Subdivision. The consensus from the Planning Commission members was to make the loop Millhouse Rd. (North & South), and the access (stub) road Commonwealth.
On a motion made by Mr. Humkey and seconded by Ms. Steel and approved unanimously, the meeting adjourned at 8:30 PM.