Planning Commission Meeting July 9, 2014

Present: Martha, Ron, Charlie, David, Mary Anne, Gerry Porter & Jack Weber
Ron commented on the Brown Subdivision and expects that It will be on the 8/13/2014 agenda as the review letter is not complete at this time.
Refuse & Recycling- David reported on the grant application and stated that the DEP grant does cover reimbursement for costs of ordinance creation and public education. Grant application must be submitted by August 15, 2014. David stated that it could take a year to fund and he would have Nancy and/or Mary Alice review the grant application prior to submission. Also, the ordinance does not need to be adopted prior to grant application submission.
Regarding the Public Education Piece, David is working on a first draft of the Q & A. The public education info must be in place 30 days in advance of the effective date ofthe ordinance, not 30 days prior to adoption.
Ron recommended that the Refuse & Recycling Ordinanc~ be adopted at the Supervisors meeting on September 17, 2014.
David suggested that we notify haulers of the need to register with the township and that the township needs to complete the registration of haulers as a list of registered haulers should be included in the public education mailing. David also indicated that s~lf delivery regulations could be dealt with at a later date.
The Refuse & Recycling Ordinance changes were presented by Davld with comments and changes made by Sam McMichael, to the Planning ·commission. Discussion ensued with regard to changes and suggested language and definition changes specifically regarding aluminum products. Does it include siding, gutters, lawn chairs, etc. Also, food product containers – aluminum foil, pie tins, etc. Gerry suggested a change in language from aluminum products to aluminum.
Ron clarified Article and section 2203.1, I, C page 7, H. needs to be corrected and change 204 to read as 305 and delete the weight. David will make changes and have them ready for the
September meeting.
Charlie reported on the Refuse & Recycling Meeting in Mechanicsburg which he attended and stated that the meetings were about the laws and the goal of most municipalities is
compliance. ·

Martha presented and reviewed the revised sketch plan for the Park with changes as previously discussed. Security at the Park was also discussed.

Charlie asked about the status of the Recycling Coordinator Position and Ron responded that the job description is still in process and may be expanded to Include other duties. Once the job description Is completed, the township will determine how to proceed.
Meeting was adjourned at 9:15 on a motion by Charlie Humkey and a second by Mary Anne Steel