The New London Township Board of Supervisors Regular Meeting convened at 7:00 PM at the New London Township Building, New London, PA.  The following Supervisors were present:  Gerry Porter, Chairman and Mary Anne Steel, Supervisor.  Dale Lauver, Vice Chairman, was not present.


No public comment on agenda items.

Resolution No.:   2023-4-1  Trish Fagan

Motion was made by Gerry Porter, seconded by Mary Anne Steel, to approve the

Resolution No.:  2023-4-1 to thank Trish Fagan for her years of service to the people of New London Township as the Secretary, Treasurer, and Zoning Officer.  The vote was unanimous.

Carol and Paul Head Zoning Hearing

Gerry Porter read a letter from the Zoning Hearing Board Solicitor, Neil Land that stated the Carol and Paul Head Zoning Hearing to request a variance from Zoning Ordinance, Section 1 – 902, a special exception from Zoning Ordinance Section 1 – 902.4, or other zoning relief was scheduled for Tuesday, April 18, 2023.   The Board of Supervisors agreed that they will leave the decision to the Zoning Hearing Board.

New London Township Clean Up Day

Dave Shirey advised that the Township clean up day was a success.  There were eighty seven (87) people who participated.   He said fifty six (56) miles of roads were cleaned.   A total of eleven (11) tires were collected.   They had two hundred sixty five (265) bags of trash.

It was mentioned to show our appreciation for all those who participated with the clean up day to have a picnic celebration.   It was also mentioned to invite the New London Township Park volunteers to the celebration.  The Board of Supervisors agreed to schedule a picnic.



Regular Meeting Minutes

On a motion made by Gerry Porter, seconded by Mary Anne Steel, the March 2, 2023 Board of Supervisors Meeting Minutes were approved.  The vote was unanimous.

Treasurer’s Report

On a motion made by Gerry Porter, seconded by Mary Anne Steel, the March, 2023 bills were approved for payment and financial reports were accepted.  The vote was unanimous.


Engineer’s Report

The Township Engineer, Ron Ragan, reported the following:

MS4 – He is working with the Township Solicitor, Winnie Sebastian, to draft a contract to participate with the East Nottingham PennDOT pollution reduction project.

Pennock Road Bridge – The cost estimate for the Pennock Road Bridge is $575,000.00.

Kirk Property – Patty Haug of Brownfield Science and Technology, Inc. will perform a Phase I Environmental Site Assessment for the property.

Planning Commission

Ron Ragan reported there are no new subdivisions.   Ordinance work continues.

Zoning Report

Township Secretary, Maureen Zdun, reported there were ten (10) building permits issued in March.  There were no single family dwelling building permits issued.


Masonic Lodge

The Board of Supervisors gave their permission to Raymond Mackey of the Masons to have a chicken barbecue using the small pavilion next to the Township building on July 29, 2023.

New London Township Park

Township Landscape Consultant, Martha Straus addressed the Board of Supervisors about some concerns she had with the over flow parking at the utility building.  Her concern is that there needs to be a clear policy regarding parking at the utility building lot.  If allowed, we need some signage. If not, we need to direct people to the Township Building lot.  The Board of Supervisors agreed to have Martha begin to look for ways to help with the over flow parking at the utility building lot.

Christiana Care

Gerry Porter announced that Christiana Care plans to open the old Jennersville Hospital in late 2024.  The plan is to have ten (10) emergency room beds and ten (10) patient beds.  The new center will be used to stabilize the patient and then transport.  They also plan to open the helipad again.

The meeting was adjourned at 8:10 PM.

Respectfully submitted,


Maureen Zdun
