Planning Commission Regular Meeting November 12, 2014


The New London Township Planning Regular opened at 7:00 PM.  Present were:  Ronald Ragan, Chair; Mary Anne Steel, Vice-Chair; Members, Charlie Humkey and Martha Straus.  The minutes were recorded by Kim Malone.


Mr. Ragan asked if there were any corrections or additions to the Minutes for 10/8/14.  Mr. Humkey made a motion to approve the Minutes with a minor correction and Ms. Steel seconded the motion.  

Public Comment


 New/Old Business

Park Planning

Martha Straus reported that she had nothing prepared to show the PC at this meeting. 

Other Ordinance Work

Ron Ragan distributed a list of eligible parcels and corresponding maps for agricultural easement programs and there was brief discussion.  David Sweet distributed the Suggested Amendment re: 2nd  Principal Dwelling Unit and a Basis for Fee in Lieu of Open Space (excerpted from London Grove Township’s S/LDO). There was discussion and changes were made as a result of the discussion to the Suggested Amendment re:  2nd Principal Dwelling Unit and Mr. Sweet advised he would make the revisions, then send to Sam McMichael for review.  Mr. Sweet advised that he will inquire as to the status of the DCNR Grant.  Mr. Sweet also distributed a draft Proposed Ordinance Creating the Township Official Map which was the result of his and Mr. Ragan’s discussion.  On a Motion by Ms. Straus and seconded by Ms. Steel, the Proposed 2015 Official Map and the Proposed Ordinance Creating the Township Official Map will be sent to Sam McMichael and the Board of Supervisors concurrently for review, then sent to the Chester County Planning Commission.  The vote was unanimous.

There was also brief discussion regarding the RA and Mr. Ragan suggested that Mr. Sweet decide what needs to come out of the RA and/or modified, then they will discuss.

George Duncan Final Subdivision Plan

Ken Crossan and George Duncan were in attendance.  Mr. Crossan presented Mr. Duncan’s revised Final Subdivision Plan, dated July 9, 2014 and revised November 17, 2014.  There was discussion regarding the note on the plan (“Note 3”) regarding the 50’ wide access and utility easement that was dictated to Mr. Crossan by Mr. McMichael and Mr. McMichael advised that the note regarding the access easement be included in the deed of conveyance for lot A-1 when the deed is conveyed.  This will ensure that any subsequent deeds will contain the easement language. On a Motion by Ms. Straus and seconded by Ms. Steel, Note 3 from the Duncan Subdivision Plan will be revised to reflect the easement language in the deed for lot A-1.   The vote was unanimous.

Refuse and Recycling

Mr. Humkey distributed his draft presentation documents for the recycling information session on Wednesday, November 19, 2014 at 6:30 PM, and there was brief review and discussion.


On a motion made by Mr. Humkey and seconded by Ms. Steel and approved unanimously, the meeting adjourned at 8:35 PM.