Planning Commission Regular Meeting January 14, 2015


The New London Township Planning Reorganization Meeting opened at 7:05 PM. Present were: Mary Anne Steel, Vice-Chair; Members, Bob Barto and Martha Straus. The minutes were recorded by Kim Malone.



Ms. Straus made a motion to approve the nomination of Ronald Ragan for the office of Chairman, and Ms. Steel seconded the motion. The nominations were closed and the vote was unanimous.

Vice Chairman

Ms. Straus made a motion to approve the nomination of Mary Anne Steel for the office of Vice Chairman, and Mr. Barto seconded the motion. The nominations were closed and the vote was unanimous.

Meeting Dates/Times

The 2015 meetings will be held on the 2nd Wednesday and last Thursday (workshop) of each month at 7:00 PM. There will be no workshop meetings in November or December.

Regular Meeting

The Regular Meeting commenced at 7:15 PM.


Ms. Steel made a motion to approve the Minutes as corrected to include a reference to the waivers requested in connection with the Nichol Plan and Ms. Straus seconded the motion. Mr. Barto abstained from the vote as he was not in attendance at the 12/10/14 meeting.

On a motion by

Public Comment


New/Old Business

Dr. Harry Sachs

Dr. Sachs, owner of Crestview Animal Hospital presented a sketch plan. He explained that he would like to subdivide his 4.4 acre parcel down the middle, and at some point sell off the residence. Dr. Sachs reported that each parcel has its own well and septic system; the only thing shared is a driveway. He also advised that the property is zoned commercial and the minimum lot size is an acre. Dr. Sachs came before the Planning Commission to find out what his next steps are. There was brief discussion and Dr. Sachs will have a plan drawn up and include the driveway easement.

Park Planning

Ms. Straus reported that she spoke to Sara from Ron Ragan’s office and according to Sara, the Conservation District had no issues with the sketch plan presented to them. She advised that Mr. Ragan and Sara will proceed with engineering. There was brief discussion regarding pathways, pond and stormwater management. Ms. Straus also advised she is exploring stabilized permeable gravel that feels solid on foot, and as she explained, is a resin mixture that blends with the gravel when it’s lain and it stays porous, and is much less expensive than permeable asphalt, which is very expensive and difficult from a construction standpoint.

Mr. Barto advised that David Sweet is working on a new DCNR Grant and the Board of Supervisors authorized his attendance at 2-3 workshops to learn how to prepare the grant.


On a motion made by Mr. Barto and seconded by Ms. Steel and approved unanimously, the meeting adjourned at 7:50 PM.