FOR 1/9/2019
The New London Township Planning Reorganization Meeting opened at 7:00 PM. Present were: Ron Ragan, Chairman, Mary Anne Steel, Vice-Chair; Members, Martha Straus, Charlie Humkey, and Lynn Klingensmith. The minutes were recorded by Maureen Zdun.
Mary Anne Steel made a motion to approve the nomination of Ronald Ragan for the office of Chairman, and Lynn Klingensmith seconded the motion. The nominations were closed and the vote was unanimous.
Vice Chairman
Ron Ragan made a motion to approve the nomination of Mary Anne Steel for the office of Vice Chairman, and Martha Straus seconded the motion. The nominations were closed and the vote was unanimous.
Meeting Dates/Times
The 2019 meetings will be held on the second Wednesday and last Thursday (workshop) of each month at 7:00 PM. There will be no workshop meetings in November or December.
Regular Meeting
The Regular Meeting commenced at 7:05 PM.
Public Comment
A Motion was made by Lynn Klingensmith, seconded by Mary Anne Steel, to amend the October 10, 2018 Planning Commission Minutes, with regard to the David G. Szymanski Final Minor Subdivision Plan, to recommend to the Board of Supervisors to approve the Plan on condition that the deed restrictions on the Alice Conners Subdivision Plan be met and a note be added to the Szymanski Plan stating that no further subdivision shall take place and that the six (6) waivers on the Township Engineer’s review letter be granted by the Board. The vote was unanimous.
Motion was made by Martha Straus, seconded by Mary Anne Steel, to approve the December 12, 2018 Planning Commission Regular Meeting minutes. Lynn Klingensmith abstained from voting since she was not present at the meeting.
Bowwood Subdivision – Conditional Use
The Planning Commission reviewed the Bowwood Preliminary Subdivision Plan prepared by Crossan – Raimato, Inc. dated July 11, 2018. There was some discussion regarding the boulevard entrance, protection of natural resources, and storm water areas pertaining to the plan.
Old / New Business
New London Township Park
Martha Straus mentioned that she would like to see the Planning Commission get started on contacting interested residents in forming the Park Committee. It was agreed to schedule a meeting some time in March.
The meeting adjourned at 8:21 PM.