October 1, 2020
The New London Township Board of Supervisors Regular Meeting convened at 7:00 PM via Zoom video conference. The following Supervisors were present: Gerard Porter, Chairman; Dale Lauver, Vice Chairman; and Supervisor, Mary Anne Steel; and Ron Ragan, Township Engineer.
There was no public comment on Agenda items.
Sue C. Wollard Final Minor Subdivision Plan
Ron Ragan presented the subdivision plan and explained that the resident proposes the reconfiguration of two (2) lots. Approximately 8.0061 acres will be subdivided from the St. John parcel and added to the Worrell parcel. No development is proposed. The Planning Commission has approved all waivers. All County comments and approvals have been received.
A Motion was made by Gerry Porter, seconded by Mary Anne Steel, to approve the
Sue C. Wollard Final Minor Subdivision Plan, prepared by Crossan Raimato, Inc. dated July 28, 2020. The vote was unanimous.
Pat McKeon and Lori Schwabenbauer – Avon Grove Library
Pat reported that they have been very busy, considering COVID-19. There are currently 4,100 resident attended programs provided by the library. Fifteen (15) percent of library card holders are New London Township residents.
Lori reported that the library was shut down from March 13, 2020 to July 13, 2020 due to COVID-19. The youth story group did a virtual story time. They also did a virtual craft class. The Summer reading program was on line. They have been able to provide e-book use. The library lobby will have a voter ballot box starting October 13, 2020. There will be two (2) government services people in attendance.
Dale Lauver offered the New London Township Park to the library to utilize.
Locust Ridge Residents
Shannon Przywara, representing the Locust Ridge residents, asked the Board of Supervisors what the time line or procedure is to have the roads in the subdivision paved. Gerry explained that our road contractor and Gerry himself drove through the subdivision to examine the condition of the roads. Gerry also explained that the Supervisors and the road contractor each year prioritize projects for the upcoming season. He mentioned that some stormwater piping will need to be repaired or replaced prior to paving. Gerry asked Shannon to advise the residents that any tree branches overhanging the cartway will need to be trimmed.
Regular Meeting Minutes
On a motion made by Gerry Porter, seconded by Dale Lauver, the September 2, 2020 Regular Meeting Minutes were approved as presented. The vote was unanimous.
Treasurer’s Report
On a motion made by Gerry Porter, seconded by Dale Lauver, the October bills were approved for payment and the financial reports were approved. The vote was unanimous.
Planning Commission
Planning Commission Chairman, Ron Ragan, reported that there are no new subdivisions. No new amendments to Ordinances.
Engineer’s Report
Township Engineer, Ron Ragan, reported the following:
MS4 – Waiting for DEP comments on stormwater piping. Ron will contact them for more information.
All stormwater issues have been addressed. There will be no work performed on
Kings Row Road, Owenwood Drive, and Pawtucket Road.
953 Thunder Hill Road – Ron suggests to create a curb to direct water to inlet boxes.
New London Township Park – The park is close to being completed. The well on the property will be evaluated to provide water to the pond. Porta potty gates will not be necessary. Ron will talk to Harlan Construction to build the paving and poles around the porta potty. The park could be officially opened by the end of the month but due to COVID-19 all areas may not be available to use. It will be called New London Township Park for signage. The Board is in favor of officially opening the park in the Spring 2021. Signage for park rules will include that dogs must be on a leash in the park. Martha Straus is meeting with Yard Clipper for maintenance of the park grounds including mowing and watering trees and shrubs. Will need someone to empty trash and dog pots. Ron will check on timing for Brian Campbell on building the bridge over the wetlands.
Zoning Report
Zoning Officer, Trish Fagan, reported thirteen (13) building permits were issued in September. No Use and Occupancy Permits were issued.
Emergency Management
Township Emergency Management Coordinator, Dave Flad, reported that two (2) of the three (3) individuals who trespassed and entered the Township building in the middle of the night last year were identified and charged.
COVID-19 – New London Township has forty six (46) residents that tested positive.
Fourteen (14) were in the past thirty (30) days.
The Chester County Health Department Immunization Program for flu shots has started. Reservations are required and they are administered in the persons vehicle.
AGREM meeting will be virtual for the October meeting.
Gerry Porter received an email from Sam McMichael that included the Hedge Apple Hill HOA document. It includes verbiage that the roads would be private and not be offered to the Township for dedication. Ron will talk to Sam.
Gerry stated that an executive session was held on September 16, 2020 to discuss property acquisition. He also stated that an executive session will be held after this meeting to discuss a personnel issue.
The meeting adjourned at 9:01 PM.
Respectfully submitted,
Trish Fagan