OCTOBER 16, 2019
The New London Township Board of Supervisors Work Meeting convened at 7:00 PM at the New London Township Building, New London, PA. The following Supervisors were present: Chairman, Gerard Porter; Vice Chairman, Dale Lauver; Member, Mary Anne Steel.
No public comment.
Saisarath Kanamarlapudi of Boy Scouts Troop 30 presented his Eagles Scout Service Project Proposal to the Board. He proposes to renovate the New London Township Park Tot Lot to make it more appealing and safer for kids to play on. The renovation will consist of pressure washing, welding a broken metal bar, sanding metal parts, painting and installing new sand and mulch in the tot lot. He told the Board the estimated cost of the project is $550.00. He would like to begin in the Spring of 2020. He estimates it will take about three (3) weeks to complete.
The Board agreed to accept Saisarath’s proposed Eagle Scout Project and stated they would cover any funds needed to complete the project.
Mr. Steve Flegal, of the West Grove Fire Company offered to help Saisarath by having the fire company weld the broken bar and provide a tanker of water for the power washing of the play ground equipment. Mr. Flegal said to just have the New London Township Secretary, Trish Fagan, give him a call when the project begins.
The Millers addressed the Board regarding their concerns over storm water run off on their property. The Township Engineer, Ron Ragan, presented a video of the pipe from the outlet to the basin. Mr. Ragan explained that there was some corrosion by the inlet box but that there is no collapsing and the over all condition of the pipe seems to get better away from the inlet box and is mainly in tact. Mr. Ragan recommended that the pipe can be slip lined. He also mentioned that the pipes in the older subdivisions were made of corrugated metal and are starting to deteriorate due to road salt and other issues. He recommended that due to this condition the responsibility would not lie with the Township but with the home owner. There was some discussion.
It was agreed that the first step is to find out the cost to sleeve the pipe. Mr. Porter also suggested that he would contact State Representative Lawrence’s office or Penn DOT to ask about storm water run off since the water appears to be coming from Route 896 onto the Miller’s property. The Board will have some information by the next meeting.
Mr. Steve Flegal of Shady Lane addressed the Board regarding abandoned cars and a boat that is being parked on the street. The Board agreed to have the New London Township Zoning Officer, Trish Fagan, check it out and send an enforcement notice if needed.
A Motion was made by Gerry Porter, and seconded by Mary Anne Steel, to approve and sign a check payable to the West Grove Fire Company for Foreign Fire Insurance in the amount of $37,508.51. The vote was unanimous.
Wheatland Farms Waste Water Treatment Plant
Gerry Porter advised that Spence Andress is compiling a list of potential Buyers to contact about purchasing the waste water treatment plant.
Cook Subdivision
The Board asked the Township Engineer, Ron Ragan, to reach out to the Cook brothers regarding the status of their subdivision plan.
Farrell Property
The Township engineer, Ron Ragan, advised the Board that he was approached by Mr. Farrell regarding the Township subdividing and purchasing two (2) acres of his property adjacent to the Township park. There was some discussion.
A Motion was made by Mary Anne Steel, and seconded by Gerry Porter, to have an appraisal done on the two (2) acres adjacent to the park. The vote was unanimous.
Mr. Ragan will get back to Mr. Farrell.
The meeting adjourned at 8:35 PM.
Respectfully submitted,
Maureen Zdun
Assistant Secretary