OCTOBER 3, 2019
The New London Township Board of Supervisors Regular Meeting convened at 7:00 PM at the New London Township Building, New London, PA. The following Supervisors were present: Chairman, Gerard Porter; Vice Chairman, Dale Lauver; and Member, Mary Anne Steel.
Chairman, Gerry Porter stated that an Executive Session was held prior to the meeting to
to discuss litigation.
No public comment on agenda items.
Sue Walker U. S. Congresswoman, Chrissy Houlahan’s Office
Sue Walker, District Director of Congresswoman Chrissy Houlahan’s Office, addressed the Board. Ms. Walker gave the locations of the Congresswoman’s offices and hours. She explained the issues that constituents can contact the office for.
Saisarath Kanamarlapudi – Eagle Scout Project
Planning Commission Member, Martha Straus, explained the project that Sai would like to do. It includes pressure washing, sanding metal parts, painting, and install new sand and mulch in the New London Township Park tot lot. He would like to perform the work this Fall.
Malini Shah – Gerrymandering Issue
Malini Shah, a representative from Fair Districts PA gave a short presentation on the gerrymandering issue. The Board asked questions for clarification on certain issues. The Board decided not to sign the Resolution.
Spence Andress – 537 Plan
Mr. Andress spoke about the 537 Sewage Plan. He suggested a meeting with the DEP about the Wheatland Farms Sewer Plant. With approval from the Board, Mr. Andress will send a letter to various entities about purchasing the plant.
A Motion was made by Gerry Porter, and seconded by Dale Lauver, giving approval to Mr. Andress to send a letter to various entities about purchasing the Wheatland Farms Sewer Plant. The vote was unanimous.
Fire Hydrant at Route 896 and State Road
Chief Justin Gattorno from West Grove Fire Company stated that any corner at the intersection that makes sense for Chester Water Authority to install a fire hydrant within 25 to 50 feet of corner.
Michele and Ron Miller – Surrey Hills
The Millers are requesting someone to evaluate the detention basin in their yard. They are concerned that the system is failing. Township Engineer, Ron Ragan, will review and report at the October 16th Board Work Meeting.
Szymanski Subdivision Plan
A Motion was made by Gerry Porter, and seconded by Mary Anne Steel, to resolve the pending appeal in this matter and authorize / approve a term provided by Township Solicitor, Sam McMichael. The Plan will have 1) Note included in Conner Plan must be included in any subdivision by owner. 2) The Plan must identify Lot 2 by owner when subdivided as Lots 2A and 2B. The vote was unanimous.
Regular Meeting Minutes
On a Motion made by Gerry Porter, and seconded by Dale Lauver, the
September 5, 2019 Regular Meeting Minutes were approved. The vote was unanimous.
Treasurer Report
On a Motion made by Dale Lauver, and seconded by Mary Anne Steel, the October, 2019 bills were approved for payment and financial reports were accepted as presented. The vote was unanimous.
Planning Commission
Chairman, Ron Ragan, reported that several ordinance amendments were sent to the County for review. They came back with a couple of comments.
Engineer’s Report Township Engineer, Ron Ragan reported that he has some MS4 updated information that he will share at the Board’s work session.
Emergency Management
Township Emergency Management Coordinator, Dave Flad, reported that he is taking the County Cert classes. Final exam is November 9, 2019. The County EOC activation simulation will be October 17, 2019. The AGREM network may change from Verizon to Comcast.
Zoning Officer
Trish Fagan reported that fifteen (15) permits were issued in September. There were no Use and Occupancy permits issued.
Gerry Porter informed the Board that he attended the Medic 94 meeting,
There will be a meeting at Penn Township regarding Chester Water Authority on Thursday, October 10, 2019.
The meeting was adjourned at 8:40 PM.
Respectfully submitted,
Trish Fagan