The New London Township Planning Commission Meeting, via Zoom, opened at 7:00 PM. Present were: Ron Ragan, Chairman; Mary Anne Steel, Vice Chairman; and Members, Martha Straus, Charlie Humkey, and Lynn Klingensmith. The Minutes were recorded by Maureen Zdun.
Public Comment
There was no public comment.
Hedge Apple Hill Subdivision
Ken Crossan of Crossan Raimato, Inc. requested, on behalf of the developer, that the Planning Commission recommend to the Board of Supervisors to grant a waiver of the sight distance triangle, as stated in our Ordinance, for the placement of the subdivision sign. Ron Ragan feels the existing sight distance triangle is excessive for the road that the subdivision is located on. Martha Straus commented that she would like to see the proposed placement of the subdivision sign on the plan.
A Motion was made by Martha Straus, seconded by Charlie Humkey, that the Planning Commission recommend to the Board of Supervisors to grant a waiver of relief to the existing sight triangle distance, as stated in our Ordinance, and to utilize the Penn DOT sight triangle distance instead of the Township sight distance triangle. The vote was unanimous.
David G. Szymanski Subdivision
Ron Ragan reminded the Planning Commission that this plan was originally reviewed in 2018. There was some discussion regarding the Plan.
A Motion was made by Martha Straus, seconded by Mary Anne Steel, that the Planning Commission recommend to the Board of Supervisors to add Note # 12 to the David G. Szymanski Subdivision Plan. Said note shall read “This subdivision extinguishes the right to further subdivide by creating one new agricultural parcel on Lot # 2 (Parcels 71-4-30.1 and 72-4-14) as granted by the Final Subdivision Plan of Property owned by Alice J. Conner dated 28 July 2003, last revised 29 September 2003. Upon approval of this subdivision, the new Lots # 2A and # 2B will be deed restricted from further subdivision”. The vote was unanimous.
Landscape Ordinance
Township Consultant, David Sweet, referred the Planning Commission to his Memorandum dated November 11, 2020, in which he advises that he has looked at four (4) example documents from other Townships and has listed some early conclusions. Mr. Sweet suggested that he would have a partial draft Ordinance ready for the December 9, 2020 meeting.
Old / New Business
Chairman, Ron Ragan, suggested the possibility of holding the December 9, 2020 Regular Planning Commission Meeting at the new park pavilion depending on weather.
The meeting was adjourned at 8:30 PM.