11-18-2020 Board Of Supervisors Work Meeting Minutes

                                                                                          NEW LONDON TOWNSHIP BOARD OF SUPERVISORS                                                                                                                                                                                             WORK MEETING MINUTES                                                                                                         NOVEMBER 18, 2020


The New London Township Board of Supervisors Work Meeting convened at 7:00 PM via zoom video conference.  The following Supervisors were present:  Chairman, Gerard Porter; Vice Chairman, Dale Lauver; Member, Mary Anne Steel.


No public comment.


Ken Crossan of Crossan Raimato, Inc. gave the background about the subdivision sign that was previously discussed.

Ron Ragan posted a copy of the subdivision plan showing the sight triangle as stated in our Ordinance.  Ron stated that he feels the distance is excessive for the road the subdivision is located on.  It would be twenty (20) feet back and two hundred fifty (250) feet on each side which is what is being proposed by the developer.  The developer is asking for a waiver from what the Ordinance requires.  The Planning Commission recommends granting the waiver.  Dale expressed concern about how the Osage Orange trees may impact the sight triangle.  The hedgerow will be the responsibility of the homeowner’s association to keep the trees trimmed back.

Ron suggested the waiver be put on page one of the Plan.  Ron will discuss with Martha Straus the hedgerow language.  He stated that language will be added after the waiver stating that the hedgerow be kept trimmed as determined by the Township.  Even through the trees are in the Township right of way the homeowner’s association will be responsible for the maintenance.

Motion was made by Gerry Porter, seconded by Dale Lauver to approve the revised Hedge Apple Hill Subdivision Plan with the additional information.  The vote was unanimous.


Ron Ragan showed the email with his response to a letter from Krista Brown of the DEP in which piping on a property out of the Township right of way is failing and she states that the Township is responsible.  Ron has not received a response.  Ron suggested an on-site meeting and suggests that the Township solicitor, Sam McMichael, do some research prior to the meeting.

Township road contractor, Mike Harlan, talked about work that they have performed around the Township.


Emergency Management Coordinator, Dave Flad, stated that he has a questionnaire to complete on flood insurance for the County Hazard and Mitigation Plan.  He will email the form to Ron to get help with answering.


$1,752.00 is the cost annually with billing of $146.00 monthly.  Martha will be asked to be the liason until the Park Committee takes over.

A Motion was made by Gerry Porter, seconded by Mary Anne Steel, to approve the Solitude Lake Management maintenance contract for the park pond.  The vote was unanimous.


Gerry Porter provided the estimate from Joseph Rizzo and Sons in the amount of $4,975.00.  A Motion was made by Dale Lauver, seconded by Mary Anne Steel, to approve the estimate for the repair work on the Township building.  The vote was unanimous.


Renee LaBarge of 881 Saginaw Road contacted the Township regarding the bridge.  She stated that the Saginaw Road bridge over the Big Elk Creek is a steel truss bridge in a very scenic location. She owns property in New London Township which includes an acre of land adjoining the creek right by the bridge. This bridge is the sole surviving example of a bridge built by Gehret Brothers, a regional fabricator. Initial plans were to replace this bridge with a concrete box bridge. Final plans show that this bridge will be rehabilitated using the existing steel structure. The lattice side railings of the bridge will not be included in the rehabbed bridge. She will be acquiring the railings once they are removed, and plans to install at least two sections on her property near the bridge, possibly with a historic marker of some sort for the public to view. She has been in contact with a few neighbors who have expressed an interest in acquiring railing pieces for their properties as well.  If the Township is potentially interested in acquiring a section of lattice railing from the bridge she is offering to donate two (2) sections total (either one section to each township, or two sections to one township). Each section is ten (10) feet long and weighs approximately two hundred (200) pounds.

The Township will contact Alan Jones of the Historic Committee to see if he would be interested.


The Township was contacted by the County engineer that the bridge needs to be repaired due to damage from storms.

The meeting adjourned at 8:30 PM.

Respectfully submitted,

Trish Fagan
