2-17-2021 Board Of Supervisors Work Meeting Minutes

                                                                                NEW LONDON TOWNSHIP BOARD OF SUPERVISORS                                                                                                                                                                                                             WORK MEETING                                                                                                                   FEBRUARY 17, 2021

 The New London Township Board of Supervisor’s Work Meeting convened at 7:05 pm on February 17, 2021 virtually via Zoom teleconference.  Board Members present were:  Chairman, Gerry Porter; Vice Chairman, Dale Lauver; and Supervisor Mary Anne Steel.


Township Park – The pedestrian bridge spanning the wetlands, donated and constructed by Cedar Knoll Builders, will need to have a railing and steps installed.  Anti-skid surface on the steps will be explored.  A plaque will be placed on the bridge recognizing Cedar Knoll Builders donation.  The Township Planning Commission will act as the Park Committee in the short term.  The Planning Commission will recommend maintenance procedures and supply names of individuals or companies to perform the maintenance.  A plaque recognizing the previous owners of the property’s daughter will be placed at the playground.

Snow Plowing Policy –  Gerry Porter provided a sample of East Brandywine Township’s website section detailing what residents should do in order to enable that road contractors can clear snow quickly and efficiently.  The Board agreed to put similar wording on our website.  Damage to mailboxes or property will be inspected by Roadmaster, Gerry Porter.

MS4 Work – The Board would like State Representative, John Lawrence to attend a meeting to discuss MS4 issues.  More detailed educational information will be put on the website to assist residents in controlling stormwater run-off on their properrty.  Township Engineer, Ron Ragan reported that he attended a virtual two day forum on MS4 controls and costs.  Information was presented on creating a stormwater fee to fund the requirements of DEP regulations.  Ron suggested hiring a grant coordinator to search for funding to offset the costs of implementing projects to reduce pollutants.  The Board was in favor of exploring this suggestion.

Alternate Township Solicitor – The Board discussed appointing an alternate solicitor for the Township.  Current Township Solicitor, R. Samuel McMichael will be asked to provide recommendations.


On a motion by Dale Lauver, seconded by Mary Anne Steel, the January 20, 2021 Work Meeting minutes were approved as presented.  The vote was unanimous.


The Board discussed enacting an Ordinance to control bamboo that creates a safety hazard when it bends with the weight of snow or ice and blocks travel on portions of Township roads.  The Township Planning Commission will be asked to add this to their agenda.

The meeting adjourned at 8:05 pm.

Respectfully submitted,

Trish Fagan                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              Secretary-Treasurer