2-8-2017 Planning Commission Regular Meeting Minutes




The New London Township Planning Commission Meeting opened at 7:00 PM.   Present were:  Ron Ragan, Chairman; Mary Anne Steel, Vice Chairman; Member, Lynn Klingensmith,

Members, Martha Straus and Charlie Humkey were not present.  The minutes were recorded by Maureen Zdun.


Ron Ragan asked the Planning Commission if there were any additions or corrections to the Minutes.  Lynn Klingensmith made a motion, seconded by Mary Anne Steel, to approve the January 11, 2017 Minutes.  The vote was unanimous.

Kieras Subdivision

Chairman Ron Ragan announced that the Kieras Subdivision was withdrawn.  The applicant is going to proceed with their application to sell the development rights.

Amendments To Township Ordinances

After some discussion regarding the New London Township Ordinance Amendments, it was agreed to present the Official Map, 2 nd Dwelling Unit,Village Extension and R – 3 Removals, and  Description of Zoning Map Changes to the Board of Supervisors for authorization to have Township Solicitor, Sam McMichael, advertise the Amendments.

New London Township Park

Ron Ragan advised that the Township is possibly looking in to purchasing a parcel on West Avondale Road to add to the Township Park.

RA, R – 1, R – 2 Ordinance

Township Consultant, David Sweet, distributed the latest draft amendment.  There was some discussion regarding this draft.

Riparian Buffer Ordinance

Seung Ah Byun of the Brandywine Conservancy distributed the most recent revision to the Riparian Buffer Ordinance.  There was some discussion as the Planning Commission reviewed the draft.  It was agreed that Seung Ah Byun would have a final draft sent to the Planning Commission before the next meeting scheduled on February 23, 2017.


The Meeting adjourned at 7:50 PM.