3-17-2021 Board Of Supervisors Work Meeting Minutes

MARCH 17, 2021

The New London Township Board of Supervisor’s Work Meeting convened at 7:02 pm on March 17, 2021 virtually via Zoom teleconference.  Board Members present were: Chairman, Gerry Porter; Vice Chairman, Dale Lauver; and Supervisor, Mary Anne Steel.

State Representative John Lawrence
State Representative John Lawrence was invited to join the Board of Supervisors Meeting. There were many topics covered including MS4 financial responsibility and the Covid 19 vaccine distribution.

MS4 Financial Responsibility – Representative John Lawrence will draft a letter to Secretary McDonald to address conflicts between DEP, ACRE, and Right to Farm legislation. The DEP states that Townships cannot get credit for farmer BMP’s to offset the regulations that the Township’s need to adhere to. Township Engineer, Ron Ragan, will work with Representative Lawrence to bring this issue to the Chair of the Agriculture Committee. He suggested seeing if Representative Sappey will also sign on to this issue. Representative Lawrence will help to try to get answers. The only way to change this would be for a law to be passed. He will engage in written correspondence with the DEP.

Vaccine Distribution – Representative Lawrence explained that the Federal Government distributes to the State Department of Health. Philadelphia gets their vaccines directly from the Federal Government while others have to rely on the County Health Departments. Representative Lawrence wrote a bill on vaccine distribution.

There was some discussion regarding Bamboo. The state has a noxious weed commission. If bamboo is listed, nurseries will not be permitted to sell it.

Covid Relief Bill
The Township will receive over $500,000.00 from the Covid Relief Bill. The Federal Government will send a check to the Township. Details will be provided on how the funds must be used.

The meeting adjourned at 8:50 PM.

Respectfully submitted,

Trish Fagan