3-5-2020 Board Of Supervisors Regular Meeting Minutes

                                                               NEW LONDON TOWNSHIP BOARD OF SUPERVISORS                                                                                                                                                                                          REGULAR MEETING MINUTES                                                                                                                                                                                                                              March 5, 2020

The New London Township Board of Supervisors Regular Meeting convened at 7:00 PM at the New London Township Building, New London, PA.  The following Supervisors were present:  Gerard Porter, Chairman; Dale Lauver, Vice Chairman; and Supervisor, Mary Anne Steel.


There was no public comment on Agenda items.


Dave reported that this is the 4th year for the clean up.  The date is April 18, 2020.  The West Grove Fire Company is on board to help with following groups of people to keep them safe.  Dave will rotate the signs; there are eight (8) locations where the sign can be placed.  The Christian Life Center will provide coffee.  Dave is working with Giant, Lowes, Wal-Mart and PennDOT for supplies.


A Motion was made by Gerry Porter, seconded by Mary Anne Steel, to approve Resolution No. 2020-3-1 appointing emergency services for New London Township.  The vote was unanimous.


Regular Meeting Minutes

On a motion by Dale Lauver, seconded by Mary Anne Steel, the February 6, 2020 Regular Meeting Minutes were approved as presented.  The vote was unanimous.

Treasurer’s Report

On a motion by Dale Lauver, seconded by Mary Anne Steel, the March bills were approved for payment and the financial reports were approved as presented.  The vote was unanimous.


Planning Commission

Planning Commission Chairman, Ron Ragan, reported they are working on landscape and street trees ordinances.  The Planning Commission would like to contract with the Brandywine Conservancy to review our ordinance to see if they conform.  Motion was made by Gerry Porter, seconded by Mary Anne Steel, to allow the Planning Commission to contract with the Brandywine Conservancy.  The vote was unanimous.

Esh Subdivision and Hedge Apple Hill Subdivision – Will be looked at by the Planning Commission at the next meeting on March 11, 2020.

Engineer’s Report

Township Engineer, Ron Ragan, reported that the transformer on the property that is now part of the Township Park is de-energized and removed.  Martha Straus would like to incorporate an old truck on the property and make it part of a landscape decoration.

MS4 – Work continues on compliance of the requirements.

Wheatland Farms Waste Water Treatment Plant – Ron will check with Spence Andres for any updates.

Buildings and Property

Dale would like the parking lot striped.  Ron will check with Lechmanik on when the park property lot will be striped.

Emergency Management

Township Emergency Management Coordinator, Dave Flad, completed his public information officer course.

Dave will be making some minor changes to the Emergency Operations Plan.

Dave told the Board there will be a teleconference from CCEMS on the corona virus.

Zoning Report

Zoning Officer, Trish Fagan, reported that seven (7) building permits were issued in February.  There were no Use and Occupancy Permits issued.


The Board will meet with Harlan Construction at the March 18, 2020 work meeting to discuss road projects.

Deer Run resident, Alex Mustico, asked for speed limit signs to be placed at the entrance of Deer Run.  The Board agreed.

The meeting was adjourned at 8:20 PM.

Respectfully submitted,

Trish Fagan                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      Secretary