5-2-2022 Board Of Supervisors Regular Meeting Minutes

                 NEW LONDON TOWNSHIP BOARD OF SUPERVISORS                                         REGULAR MEETING MINUTES                                                                           May 5, 2022


The New London Township Board of Supervisors Regular Meeting convened at 7:00 PM at the New London Township Building, New London, PA.  The following Supervisors were present:  Gerard Porter, Chairman; Dale Lauver, Vice Chairman; and Mary Anne Steel, Supervisor.


There was no public comment on Agenda items.

Resolution No.  2022-5-1

A Motion was made by Gerry Porter, seconded by Dale Lauver, to approve the Resolution No.   2022-5-1 supporting the American Recovery Plan Grant Application to Chester County to House Medic 94.  The vote was unanimous.

Masonic Lodge
It was mentioned that if we purchase an internet booster, Xfinity will install.

Gerry has contacted an electrician to see if the circuit can handle a refrigerator.

It was agreed that the Masons will keep an eye on the sagging floor.

The Board of Supervisors agreed they are good for electric outlets to the smaller pavilion but not lights.


Regular Meeting Minutes

On a motion by Gerry Porter, seconded by Mary Anne Steel, the April 7, 2022 Minutes were approved on condition with the change of February to March.  The vote was unanimous.

Treasurer’s Report

On a motion by Gerry Porter, seconded by Dale Lauver, the May bills were approved for payment and the financial reports were approved as presented.  The vote was unanimous.


Planning Commission

Planning Commission Chairman, Ron Ragan, reported that there are no new subdivision plans.    The New R – 1 Ordinance tweaks are still in process.  The Definitions Section is still in process.  The Township Solicitor, Sam McMichael is reviewing.

Engineer’s Report

MS4 – PennDOT has hired stream restoration in East Nottingham that New London Township could purchase load reduction credits from this project.

Act 167 – Stormwater Ordinance – Ron is attending a zoom meeting to view and discuss the new draft ordinance from the County.  Ron will provide more information at the Board of Supervisor’s June Regular Meeting.

West Avondale Road Bridge – There are no issues after Hurricane Ida.

Emergency Management

The New London Township Emergency Management Coordinator, Dave Flad, advised that the County is providing three (3) new digital radios.  The Board of Supervisor’s radios can be replaced.

Zoning Report

Zoning Officer, Trish Fagan, reported that fourteen (14) building permits were issued in April.  There were two (2) single family dwellings issued.

The meeting was adjourned at 8:06 PM.

Respectfully submitted,


Trish Fagan,                                                                                  Township Secretary