6-14-2017 Planning Commission Regular Meeting Minutes



The New London Township Planning Commission Meeting opened at 7:00 PM. Present were: Ron Ragan, Chairman; Members, Martha Straus, Charlie Humkey and Lynn Klingensmith. Vice Chairman Mary Anne Steel was not present. The minutes were recorded by Maureen Zdun.

Ron Ragan asked the Planning Commission if there were any additions or corrections to the Minutes. Charlie Humkey made a motion, seconded by Lynn Klingensmith, to approve the
May 10, 2017 Minutes. Martha Straus abstained from voting.

Christian Life Center Expansion
Charlie Shock of the Christian Life Center presented a sketch plan to the Planning Commission showing their intention to expand their current facilities by constructing a multi purpose sports complex. Mr. Shock advised that the Christian Life Center in 2002 was granted a special exception in the R – 2 district for religious issues and was also granted a variance in the LI District for religious issues. Chairman Ron Ragan mentioned that the property currently is located in three (3) separate Zoning Districts, R -2, LI, and Village Districts. He further mentioned that the special exception and variance may not be grandfathered in the plan but would have to check with the Township Solicitor. He also advised that the Christian Life Center would have to resubmit their application as a new land development for the expansion since there would be added parking and driveways the Township would need to look at storm water management in more detail.

Martha Straus made a motion, seconded by Lynn Klingensmith, that the Planning Commission should ask the Township Solicitor to confirm that the special exception and variance, which were granted to the Christian Life Center at the time of its initial land development, would still be in effect now that the property is in the New London Township Village District which does include language for religious uses. Chairman Ron Ragan abstained from voting.

Duncan Subdivision
Mr. George Duncan presented a Final Minor Subdivision Plan dated June 6, 2017 to sub divide his property in to two (2) lots and construct a new single family dwelling with an in law quarters attached. After some discussion, it was recommended that Mr. Duncan speak with the Township Zoning Officer, Trish Fagan, regarding the Township Ordinances and what was required to build the in law quarters before moving forward.

Second Dwelling Ordinance
Ron Ragan advised the Planning Commission that the Board of Supervisors did not approve the Second Dwelling Ordinance Amendment and that the Planning Commission will have to review the ordinance again. There was some discussion regarding the Ordinance.

R – 1 To R – 2 Ordinance
Ron Ragan advised that the Ordinance Amendment was adopted by the Board of Supervisors.

New London Township Park
Chairman Ron Ragan announced to the Planning Commission that the Bog Turtle study was completed and that there are no bog turtles on the property.

The Meeting adjourned at 8:10 PM.