8-12-2020 Planning Commission Regular Meeting Minutes


The New London Township Planning Commission Meeting, via Zoom, opened at 7:00 PM. Present were: Ron Ragan, Chairman; Mary Anne Steel, Vice Chairman; and Members, Martha Straus, Charlie Humkey, and Lynn Klingensmith. The Minutes were recorded by
Maureen Zdun.

Public Comment
There was no public comment.

A Motion was made by Martha Straus, seconded by Charlie Humkey, to approve the
May 13, 2020 Regular Meeting Minutes with the correction of “Ed Jefferson” to “Ed Jeffers” and to clarify that the Brandywine Conservancy was hired to conduct the Sustainable Communities Assessment Program. The vote was unanimous.

A Motion was made by Lynn Klingensmith, seconded by Mary Anne Steel, to approve the
July 8, 2020 Regular Meeting Minutes as presented. The vote was unanimous.

Hedge Apple Hill Subdivision
Ken Crossan of Crossan Raimato Inc. addressed the Planning Commission regarding the Final Plan. There was some discussion regarding the open issues.

A Motion was made by Martha Straus, seconded by Mary Anne Steel, to recommend to the Board of Supervisors to approve the Hedge Apple Hill Subdivision Plan dated
November 13, 2019, last revised July 27, 2020, on condition that the items raised in the
August 12, 2020 Chester County Conservation District email is adequately addressed in a subsequent revision. The vote was unanimous.

New London Township Park
Ron Ragan advised that the pond is full of water. There is a minor leak in the outlook structure. The tot lot is completed. The pavilion is being constructed. The parking lot and ADA area has been striped. Ron mentioned that measures need to be implemented to keep the geese off the pond. Martha Straus stated the long term plan is to place more plantings around the pond. The pond will need to be aerated. A maintenance plan will need to be established for mowing and creating the lawn paths. It was agreed that the Park Committee should meet early to mid September. Martha Straus will draft the duties and responsibilities of the Park Committee and present to the Planning Commission for approval and then present to the Park Committee. There was some discussion about plaques being placed in the park with the name of anyone who gives any type of donation to the park. Mary Anne Steel will speak with Gerry Porter and
Dale Lauver regarding the donation plaques.

The meeting was adjourned at 8:05 PM.