The New London Township Planning Commission Meeting opened at 7:00 PM. Present were: Ron Ragan, Chairman; Mary Anne Steel, Vice Chairman; Members Martha Straus and Charlie Humkey; Gerry Porter, Chairman Board of Supervisors. Member Lynn Klingensmith was not present. The Minutes were recorded by Maureen Zdun.
Public Comment
Mary Anne Steel made a Motion, seconded by Martha Straus, to approve the July 11, 2018 Regular Meeting Minutes. Charlie Humkey abstained from voting.
Szymanski Subdivision
The Planning Commission reviewed the David G. Szymanski Subdivision Plan, prepared by Crossan – Raimato, Inc., dated July 18, 2018. Mr. Ragan advised that the Deed on the property is restricted to one (1) subdivision. The property has road frontage in both New London Township and Franklin Township, however, there is not the required 50 foot minimum road frontage in New London Township. The question was raised whether the property shall be treated as two different parcels since there is only one tax parcel number. It was agreed that Mr. Ragan would send a letter to the Township Solicitor, Sam McMichael, to ask his opinion on the matter.
Second Dwelling Ordinance Amendment
Township Consultant, David Sweet, distributed the latest amendment version dated
August 30, 2018. There was some discussion regarding the Amendment. It was agreed that Mr. Sweet would have the final version for the Planning Commission Work Meeting on
September 27, 2018.
Fee In Lieu
Township Consultant, David Sweet, distributed the latest draft amendment. There was some discussion regarding the draft. It was agreed that Mr. Sweet would research some issues relating to the Ordinance and have a draft prepared for the Planning Commission work meeting on September 27, 2018.
RA, R – 1, R – 2 Consolidated Ordinance Amendment
There was some discussion regarding the draft amendment dated June 25, 2018. It was agreed that Mr. Sweet would prepare the final draft for review at the Planning Commission work meeting on September 27, 2018.
835 West Avondale Road
Vice Chairman, Mary Anne Steel advised the Planning Commission regarding the house for sale at 835 West Avondale Road which the property abuts to the proposed New London Township Park. It is 3.6 acres with a dwelling listed for $260,000. There was some discussion regarding the property. It was agreed that Ms. Steel would set up a date and time for the Planning Commission to tour the property.
The meeting was adjourned at 8:45 PM.