September 2, 2020
The New London Township Board of Supervisors Regular Meeting convened at 7:00 PM via Zoom video conference. The following Supervisors were present: Gerard Porter, Chairman; Dale Lauver, Vice Chairman; and Supervisor, Mary Anne Steel; and Ron Ragan, Township Engineer.
There was no public comment on Agenda items.
Lt. Nicole Palmer – Pennsylvania State Police
Lt. Nicole Palmer of the Pennsylvania State Police provided stats for this year to date. She compared last year’s numbers to this year.
Hedge Apple Hill Subdivision
Ken Crossan of Crossan Raimato, Inc. explained that the developer is requesting approval of the Hedge Apple Hill Final Plan conditioned on some administrative items being submitted to the Township. Township Engineer, Ron Ragan, showed a copy of the Subdivision Plan. The performance guarantee numbers will be ready next week. We are waiting on the Homeowner’s Association documents. Mr. Crossan requested five (5) waivers and the Township Engineer, Ron Ragan read the waivers to the Board of Supervisors. Mr. Ragan reports that the Planning Commission endorsed the waivers and he also recommends the waivers.
Motion was made by Dale Lauver, seconded by Mary Anne Steel, to approve the Hedge Apple Hill Final Subdivision Plan, dated November 13, 2019, last revised July 27, 2020, conditioned on administrative items being met. The vote was unanimous.
Wheatland Farms Request For Signage
Joyce Jacobs, representing the Wheatland Farms Homeowner’s Association signed onto the meeting. Gerry Porter informed Ms. Jacobs that Penn DOT stated the standard miles per hour for subdivisions is 25 mph. The Township has agreed to place two (2) additional speed limit signs and that the Homeowner’s Association will choose the location for the signs and will notify the owners that the sign will be in front of their property.
Porta Potty Placement in the Township Park
The Board of Supervisors had a site visit to look at alternative locations. Martha Straus presented a diagram showing the locations under consideration. She further explained that sixty (60) inches is needed for wheel chair access. She stated that a double door gate will be installed. The pump truck needs to be within fifty (50) feet of the porta potty. She presented two options. Option one (1) is they remain where they are and screening can be put in to block the view. Option two (2) would be to face them into the park and moving them further south than option one (1). She mentioned again vegetation will be planted for screening. This option puts the porta potty close to where spectators watch the ball games. Martha showed a sketch of the eight (8) foot fencing which would surround three (3) sides of the porta potty. Either options may need a double gate.
Mr. Shapiro wanted to know if the ball field parking lot could hold the porta potty. Kristin Begosh stated that the dumpster is in the handicapped spot in the Township parking lot. Mr. Shapiro wanted to know when the decision will be made. Assistant Secretary Maureen Zdun confirmed that the Minutes from the previous Board Meeting stated that the Board of Supervisors, Township Engineer, and Martha Straus would walk the site to look at options. Beth Shapiro stated that the Pawtucket residents believed that they would be included in the site visit.
A Motion was made by Gerry Porter, seconded by Mary Anne Steel, to accept Option two (2) for placement of the porta potty. The vote was unanimous.
Stormwater Management Issues
Gerry Porter first announced that we have had much rain.
Chuck Hammond – 12 Pawtucket Road – Gerry Porter reiterated to Mr. Hammond that the Board has addressed the flooding driveway issue with him and had a berm installed which was altered at Mr. Hammond’s request so his low profile vehicle could go over the berm. Mr. Hammond reported that the drain at 5 Pawtucket does not handle the amount of water. A meeting with the Township road contractor, Mike Harlan, will be set up by the Township Engineer, Ron Ragan to look at this issue.
P. J. Walraven – 953 Thunder Hill Road – Stormwater is flowing down his driveway and washing it out. Mr. Walraven stated that the water on the south side of the road flows over to his side of the road along with water from the farm fields across the street. Dale Lauver suggested that Mike Harlan and Ron Ragan look at this issue also.
Michael Poore – 3 Owenwood Drive – Ron Ragan explained that water from Lewisville Road goes onto the resident’s property. Mr. Ragan advised that said water has always traveled that direction. Ron suggested that he and Mike Harlan visit this location, along with 667 West Avondale Road.
Dave Flad – Advised there is sediment in the inlet box in his subdivision, Surrey Hills.
Steve Flegal
Mr. Flegal sent the Township pictures showing tractor trailers going down Church Road and onto Route 896 going north and taking up both lanes. He suggested that a sign be placed on Lewisville and Church Road making truck traffic use Lewisville Road. Gerry Porter instead suggested a sign stating Local Traffic Only.
DocuWare Scanning System
A Motion was made by Gerry Porter, seconded by Mary Anne Steel to go with the DocuWare cloud base system at the cost of $4,100.00 annually and $1,500.00 – $2,500.00 for training. The vote was unanimous.
Regular Meeting Minutes
On a motion made by Gerry Porter, seconded by Dale Lauver, the August 6, 2020 Regular Meeting Minutes were approved as presented. The vote was unanimous.
Treasurer’s Report
On a motion made by Gerry Porter, seconded by Mary Anne Steel, the September bills were approved for payment and the financial reports were approved. The vote was unanimous.
Planning Commission
Planning Commission Chairman, Ron Ragan, reported that the Hedge Apple Hill Subdivision was approved. A new land development plan is being reviewed on Chimenti Drive combining parcels to ten (10) acres to enroll into Act 319. No new construction is planned. Ordinance work continues on the Landscaping Ordinance.
Engineer’s Report
Township Engineer, Ron Ragan, reported the following.
New London Township Park – Sheathing was put on the picnic pavilion roof. Picnic tables and benches were delivered and will be going in next week. Ron met with Dave Harlan who came up with a route to bore out to State Road to tie into Chester Water Authority to have water to the park. Peco wants the new ground transformer up on West Avondale Road. Martha Straus reported that a proposal from Solitude Lake Management was sent to the Board for review for pond maintenance. A site meeting will be held as soon as possible. A filtration system will be needed. Dale Lauver would like to attend the site visit.
MS4 – Annual report is due this month. Work is on hold for now.
Zoning Report
Zoning Officer, Trish Fagan, reported nine (9) building permits were issued in August. One (1) Use and Occupancy Permit was issued.
Emergency Management
Township Emergency Management Coordinator, Dave Flad, reported that the Fire and EMS Strategic Plan Meeting will be held on September 8 and 9, 2020.
The Chester County Health Department sent a survey about flu shots. They are looking for volunteers, locations, etc. The County will try to have fifteen (15) locations to dispense. When information is received it will be put on the Township web site.
The annual survey on NIMS will be completed next week.
On the 19th of August a notification was sent to all local fire chiefs for a possible leak from the pipe line in Franklin Township. No other information was received so it is assumed it was a false alarm. Dave mentioned that since there are pipe lines running through New London Township something specific will have to be added to our EOP. He will work on drafting the document.
Buildings and Property
Dale Lauver will have Tom Altman service the boiler.
The meeting adjourned at 9:30 PM.
Respectfully submitted,
Trish Fagan